Monday, February 21, 2011

Where Do The Oilers Play Football?

SHANGHAI: “Giornata artistica e culturale con spettacolo e performance dei pittori e calligrafi cinesi” al Museo Liu Hai Su.

L 'IIC Shanghai and' pleased to announce the "Day artistic and cultural shows and performances Chinese painters and calligraphers ", organized in collaboration with the 'Association of Friends of the Museum Liu Hai Su " in Shanghai.
The program of the day 'the following:
at 14:00 : speeches of Directors of the Association: among them, the Shanghai IIC Director, Dr. Paul Sabbatini, a land 'a talk on "The Italian culture "
at 14:30 : assessment of archaeological sites in ancient terracotta;
at 15:30 : exhibition of four paintings, and performance painters and calligraphers.

Date and Time: Sunday, February 27, 2011, 14:00
Location: Liu Hai Su Museum, 1660 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai - ; 刘海粟 美术馆, 虹桥 路 1660 号
Info: 0086-021-


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