Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Free Unblocked Cube Field

Jack Horner in Italy

Aprile sarà un mese davvero ricco: saranno ben tre, in tre diverse città, gli incontri che vedranno protagonista John "Jack" Horner, paleontologo di fama mondiale e nostro Presidente Onorario.
Il 13 aprile a Parma, il 14 a Piacenza e il 15 a Bologna, non perdete l'occasione di partecipare alle conferenze di uno dei massimi esponenti della paleontologia dei dinosauri al mondo!

Di seguito il programma dei tre incontri:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 16:15
T. rex, hyena Mesozoic
in collaboration with the Società Dante Alighieri - Comitato di Parma

Ballroom Sanvitale Palace, home of Banca Monte Parma P.le
Jacopo Sanvitale 1, Parma

The conference will discussed the evidence supporting the hypothesis that T. rex was the hyena of the Cretaceous. Will be revealed about his teeth, his smell, the ability in the race and the number of copies present in the ecosystem in which he lived.

Thursday, April 14, 2011, 18:00
Dinosaurs: How to get rid of old ones and create new ones
Introduced from "Raiders of dinosaurs " Alessandro Carpana

At the exhibition "Dinosaurs in the flesh", Urban Center .
107 Via Scalabrini, Piacenza

Recent studies on growth (ontogeny) are leading to an awareness of how many species of dinosaurs are in fact young specimens of other species. In the first part of the conference will be shown how they are eliminating many dinosaur names. In the second part will be the protagonists of studies designed to recreate, through birds, animals with characteristics similar to dinosaurs.
The conference will be introduced by "Raiders of the Dinosaurs" by Alex Carpani, who will talk about their experiences in search of dinosaur fossils in the Badlands of Montana.

Friday, April 15, 2011, 11:30
What you should know before giving its name to a dinosaur

Hall, Department of Geology.
Via Zamboni 67, Bologna (next to the Capellini Museum, open Friday morning)

There are some scientific information that a person should know before you name the a new dinosaur. This new method of evaluation of the dinosaurs is the "Unified Frames of Reference" (UFR). Will be shown examples of how paleontologists have committed serious errors of identification for not following the rules UFR.

The conference will be in Italian

Information: 347 4888630


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