Monday, February 21, 2011

Dane Elec Zmatepen Driver

"Testimoniare la Verita'", Omelia di Natale 2010 del Vescovo di Shanghai, Mons. Jin Luxian

'Truth' gives you the 'freedom' "- John 8.13.

Fathers, Brothers, Sisters:
I thank God for 'the opportunity to speak with you.

Chinese characters
Recently, the Chinese Association Language has published a list of Chinese characters more 'used. This news caught my attention immediately. Based on these characters chosen, we can deduce something important: the feeling that people do not have power and money. I thought the character more 'was used love, love instead represents only 2.8% of cases. The most character 'and used' instead increase used in 15.3% of cases, then home and passive , respectively 12.7% and 10.6% ( Yan Huang Chun Qiu , Volume 6 , 2010). In my opinion, apart from its character house slave we must add, for example him schiavo di casa . Poi ci dovrebbe essere il carattere falso . Vorrei darvi la mia opinione su questi quattro caratteri: aumentare, passivo, schiavo e falso .

I popoli prestano molta attenzione alla vita quotidiana. Di solito parlano del tenore di vita, cioe’ del concetto di aumentare . In questi anni, il costo di tutto questo aumenta: aumentano il prezzo dell’acqua, dell’elettricita’, del carbone e del gas; i prezzi di cereali, pasta, olio, verdura, carne, ecc. Le casalinghe si lamentano che la vita diventa sempre piu’ difficile, e che la qualita’ di vita e’ peggiorata. I popoli si preoccupano per l’aumento dei prezzi e sperano che aumenti lo stipendio. Invece in realta’ lo stipendio non aumenta quasi mai. Anche quando esso aumenta, aumentano piu’ velocemente anche i prezzi. E noi non riusciamo a fare niente.
Il secondo carattere e’ passivo , cioe’ il contrario di attivo . Essere passivi ti fa venire la sensazione di perdere la liberta’, l’indipendenza e l’incapacita’. Ottanta anni fa, quando frequentavo le scuole superiori, Padre Seimpeyre, che era il mio insegnante di francese, insegnandoci the conjugation of verbs, said: "Westerners prefer to use the passive, but you just use the Chinese, for example: 'I am respected by the students' do you not playing well, prefer to say, 'I respect the students'. We always say 'I was betrayed by my friends,' you say 'friends have betrayed me'. " I was very much agree with the professor, and 'true: we use just the passive . Pero 'in these years, and' more and more 'spread its use. The passive and 'present in the spoken language and even in written texts. Some say directly that our time and 'time passive. We did not like the past because 'It brings sadness. [...]
In general, pero ' person is not' very common among the Chinese. Let me give an example. We read a news story on Xin Min Evening News. When a Dean gave a speech to some degree, said: "Dear friends, if there was a Chinese character more 'important to you than others, this character would person, although I know you do not like " . His speech was applauded at length (Xinming Evening News of June 25, 2010, p. A15).
C’e’ un altro articolo da Yangcheng Evening News del 27 novembre 2010: “Il passivo, cioe’ essere forzati a fare qualcosa, e’ l’espressione della disuguaglianza di potere delle persone. Chi sopporta il passivo appartiene sempre al gruppo delle persone senza potere. Non riescono ad esprimere le loro vere ambizioni e rimangono sempre nel ceto piu’ debole. Sono stati forzati a dire che e’ stata la loro volonta’. Attraverso il passivo , si vede l’incapacita’ dei popoli”.
Il terzo carattere piu’ usato e’ schiavo . Mi fa venire in mente un altro carattere, home. Today, in Shanghai who wants to buy the house, becomes the slave of the house for sure. The young shanghaiese must necessarily have a house, otherwise no one wants to marry him. These young people try every possible way to get money to buy a house. Ask parents and ask the banks. We know that the interest of saving and 'very little, almost nothing in recent years, but the interest to pay the money and' very high. Usually, to finish repaying the debt, it takes decades, sometimes even thirty. That 's really a great weight. It 'too hard to overcome it. After marriage, there is' the arrival of the child. E 'and certain that' happiness', but with the happiness', there are many things that concern us. There will be 'spending on food, spending on education. The schools cost much, so parents become the slaves of their children. Both the slaves of the slaves of the house that children need to spend money. Money can control everything. The world of today and 'manipulated by money. The money can 'buy everything. Without money, one can not go forward. Who has the money and 'arrogant, and who has no money and' humble. Most of us becomes a slave of money and can not change anything.
The fourth character and 'false , became popular in recent years. Around us, there are so many false things. There are fake goods, fake medicines, for example. The fake medicines entering the market, hospitals and even on the requirements. These medicines do not cure the disease but kill people. The people who produce the drugs do not have false humanity '. Must be punished severely. There are also diplomas fake and false argument. From antiquity until today, the friendship has been the most precious thing, but now there are also false friends. Today it has more 'self-interest than values. It 's really a sad thing.
We always use our language. Our words must not be true and false. Our ancestors said: "The words spoken by the people should express their heart." According to the ancestors, the men are linked by words. The words of a person are the same person. People must be accountable for their words and try not to change them. But now we no longer trust 'word, and we write them on paper, and even then' not enough, we also need the deed. Now in society ', false enter into all corners, including parents and children, between husbands and wives: the false penetrates all strata of society', then we are facing a crisis of confidence. If we can not change, our paese sara’ in pericolo. Aumentare, passivo, schiavo, falso hanno reso i nostri popoli incapaci. […]
Viene da chiedermi:
Il popolo cinese e’ veramente felice? La vita del popolo cinese e’ veramente rispettata?

Che verita’ e’?
Dopo aver riflettuto a lungo, penso che in poco tempo sia difficile risolvere il problema dell’incapacita’ del popolo China. [...] When people become more 'active, passive character become' more 'rare and also to slave.
While, as regards the false , due to its dissemination, popularity, 'and because of the corruption that exists in society' so long from now, people become accustomed to living in this atmosphere and unconsciously become false. I think this phenomenon will continue over the next year 'again.
We must therefore do everything possible to eliminate this evil that destroys trust between people. Nel Sogno del Palazzo Rosso , uno dei romanzi cinesi piu’ famosi, c’e’ una frase che recita: “Quando il falso fa finta di essere il vero, il vero diventa il falso”. Questa frase ci spiega molto bene il grande danno del falso: nella nostra societa’ quando le cose vere diventano false, il popolo non riesce piu’ a distinguere cosa e’ falso e cosa e’ vero. Se la societa’ continua ad essere cosi’, non avremo di sicuro una vita felice. Quindi dobbiamo combattere contro il falso e cercare di eliminarlo. Il falso non diventa mai una cosa positiva, mentre il vero e’ positivo e costruttivo. Essere vero, buono e bello sono le virtu’ piu’ importanti della cultura cinese. Essere vero e’ la base delle altre due virtu’. Il contrario di essere buono e bello e’ di essere cattivo e brutto, pero’ essere falso puo’ nascondere questo contrario. Quindi rifiutarsi di essere falsi e’ la cosa piu’ importante.
Per incoraggiare la virtu’ di essere vero, la prima cosa che dobbiamo fare e’ di diventare una persona vera e dire la verita’. “Tutti devono dire la verita” e’ una cosa che sa chiunque, ma nella societa’ attuale non e’ per niente facile dire la verita’. Adesso le persone che dicono falsita’ sono molto comuni. Le persone che dicono la verita’ are teasing, and are marginalized by the community '. The false words have the largest market 'great, the disclosure more' wide. They are more 'efficient.
When I studied Western literature, my teacher gave me a book that said: "At the beginning of the twentieth century, a bishop was very capable and popular. One day he told his assistant: 'I recommend you tell me the truth' and quit when I'm 'old and when I'll be able' to give good explanations'. After a few years, the bishop was now grown old and could not explain the lesson well. His assistant decided to tell the truth '. When I explain 'the situation, he realized that the bishop was not happy at all. After a few days, the bishop decided to remove him. " From this history, we understand that people must sacrifice for the truth '. Most of us do not want to hear the truth '. [...]
The tradition exists in China's diplomatic speak for a long time: When two people meet, they say phrases circumstance before the real speech. So far, no and 'contrary to this tradition, because' diplomatic phrases are not lies. The company 'can accept them, but we must not disclose it.
During the long human history, and able to speak 'was the result more' crucial and most 'important. Others are derived from this progress. Through words and communication, a group of people teach the knowledge to another group, from one generation to another. Without language, without the written texts, each generation would have to start everything all the time. Developers need a basic factor to be very solid. And this basis, and 'made up of the truth'. The truth 'must be as solid as a rock on which we can build the skyscrapers. While the false 'as the sand on which we can not build anything. Only the truth ' Welcoming the progress completed. The words used to express our heart, also when we decorate our words (with the rhetoric), these words are used to encourage the listeners to accept us. To achieve this, people exaggerate some details and cover a part of the truth ', so all their talk will be' true. If people are still so ', for some hidden purpose, begin to create false', to slander and cheat others. Eventually become criminals. The items are linked all'imbroglio false: the cheat people, money, and the trust of others. Since the false words are everywhere, even listen to it becomes a problem. We must also learn how to distinguish what is true and false things. There 's a way of speaking Chinese: "It' s easy to know the characters, and it 'difficult to know the character of a person." I think we should add another sentence: "And' even more 'hard to know the words a person. " [...].
People complain that it 'difficult to tell the truth' and who can not hear the truth '. There are two contradictory things. To resolve this problem, we must find something more 'important existing in this contradiction: listeners. Generally, listeners do not want to hear the truth 'and embarrass people who speak of truth'. Everyone wants respect for others and want to hear sweet words, especially those most 'important and more' powerful. If the listeners do not like to hear the truth ', and' obvious that others prefer not to tell the truth '. In today's world, words have more false 'market, even at school. I read a text entitled "Who said the truth 'did not get high marks." Now even the primary school children have learned to tell a falsehood. As soon as one acquires power, among his subordinates are now very flattering. These people point out, looking characters, hobbies, their directors, then try to find an opportunity to attract the attention of their leaders and talk about things that they like. Slowly managers become used to listen to the advice of these people and these people are trying to satisfy every need of the management. Eventually the leaders of course end up like the people who always speak of sweet things but not true. Who has more 'power has less opportunity to hear the truth'.
Before I spoke to ordinary people who feel unable in this society '. We also feel deprived of their freedom '. The lack of freedom 'and' a feeling its people who always speak false, 'cause you're afraid that the test of time. The truth 'and' the truth ', even after you have told a hundred times, and' always the same. Instead a lie, after two or three times, and 'hard to remain the same. So these people invent new lies to hide the past, and they live in different lies, do not have the freedom '. When I was little, I had a silkworm. Always fed him with many leaves. The silkworm always ate. When becomes large, began to produce silk. The cocoon was becoming more and more 'big, and finally one day he completely covered the bug that he could not' get out. In China, there 's also a saying that describes this process. This expression indicates the very people who always tell lies and one day will be like the bug that loses the freedom '.
We have the will 'to fight against false things and eliminate them. But how much and 'hard to fight against forgery. The false and 'already' become a very serious disease that comes in every corner of society 'and becomes a network covering the whole country. There 's always something that covers the false. The Chinese people are 'good but shy. He prefers not to change an unsatisfactory situation that venture and risk. But the reality 'is that we can not fight against the fake,' cause if we get used to this situation, for sure one day we will meet in an accident more 'big.
[...] The whole country should join together and support strongly the truth. Actively disseminate the importance of telling the truth 'and the removal of people who talk about things that are false. We must try to reveal the ways that people often use false. We must try to go on forever in the fight against forgery. We should pay much attention to any temptation to do and say is false. We must eliminate the false before it becomes strong. The disclosure of the true ' we say things are true, do real things. First of all we must try to become real people. Having realized this, all other things become more 'easy.
In the Work of Sichuan, there 's a wonderful element: the change of face. The actors go up on stage wearing a mask on their face. When they start to turn in costume, suddenly lead already 'another form. I always think the secret of this show, and I never find the answer. Speaking of our society ', there are also many people who can change the face in an instant. When they see the leaders, once they become flatterers, smiling and attentive to their every movement. When I am with their subordinates, it quickly becomes serious and cocky. When I'm with friends and take back their own. They drink and eat with friends, talk about their great prospects. When they come home, get drunk husbands.
One difficulty 'in fight against fake and' that people are constantly changing and always false, but 'their defects are still unclear. In the history Journey to the West, the monkey hero Sun Wukong and 'able to change 72 different faces, but he also has a flaw, never manages to hide his tail. Even people false, even if they change ever, they can not ever hide the tail. This queue and 'greed' of fame, money, pleasure and lust. Who wants to fight the false can 'start his business from this: greed' of people false.
This world 'strange objects in front of us, at first glance, they are beautiful and fascinating, so we're attracted to beautiful things and try to approach them, but at the time they return back. At the end when we win them, we become their slaves. Mencius said: "We have to win something, but we can not be conquered and controlled by this thing." Mencius teaches us to "use objects using an attitude by owner "in the sense that we must understand that we are the masters, and we must be active. The various objects in this world are only to be used by ourselves, and we are their masters. We must not become their slaves. I really like this sentence.
Many people said it was' hard to fight against forgery. But we must not stop just because 'we consider it difficult. Let me give an example: who has the will ', will have' a great success. Before the government to organize the Shanghai Expo, many people said it was too difficult an undertaking. They said that the structure was going well, but the content gave many problems. The inhabitants were not educated. We can improve this problem in a short time? We can improve the pollution problem in a few years? The Expo is not the Olympics, which lasts only 15 days. The Expo runs for 6 months, 184 days and nights. There are many tourists who arrive every day. How can promise zero errors? But the Chinese people and not 'stopped in front of difficulties,' and we have done everything we can to organize the Expo 2010. We have been successful. During the Expo, Shanghai had the blue sky. There were nearly a million people, but everything was very organized. Around the world and 'wonder of the success of Expo 2010 Shanghai. [...]

"I am the way, the truth 'and the Life" - John 14.6
At this point, some people I ask, "Bishop, spoke so 'much to combat forgery, also spoke of the need' to disclose the truth. But what 'the truth, and' a name too abstract for us. We can not vederelo, it 'a touch. How can we use it to fight the false? "
Since all believers, I will reply with the words of the Father. He said: "I am the truth 'and the Life." Since ancient times, 'the Chinese people seek the truth'. The saying "one hundred schools trying to become famous," means that every school, every theory, research its truth '. The Confucian school seeks the harmony of heaven and the people. Taoists seek to attain the Creator. The Jesuits seek the truth '. The Creator understands that men can not fully know the truth 'without the help of others, so he delegated his only son to fall in this Holy world. The Son becomes a real person who can see and touch. Jesus' and 'truth' that reflects ourselves. Jesus' is not only the Truth 'but it also leads to the road of Truth'. What we can do and 'just follow Jesus', to be with Jesus,' and get to the bottom of its path, the only way 'we can get the truth'. The Confucian promote honest ', exercise, and call it the' year of the road. " The character of the street in the Chinese language 'consists of two parts: walk and origin. This character tells us that we need to walk much to reach the origin of life and from all over the world. The Book of Laozi has 5,000 characters and speaks proprio della strada per arrivare alla verita’. Gesu’ disse al Governatore di Roma: “Sono nato in questo mondo per testimoniare la Verita’, e chi puo’ capire la Verita’ mi ascolta senza sforzo”. Dopo aver detto questo, il Governatore chiese a Gesu’: “Cos’e’ la verita’?” Quando Gesu’ stava per rispondergli, il Governatore ando’ via. Evidentemente non voleva nemmeno ascoltare.
Chi ascolta la verita’, la pratica. Gesu’ ci insegna che quando vogliamo dire di si’, diciamo di si’. Quando vogliamo dire di no, diciamo di no. Chi ascolta Gesu’ non puo’ say absolutely false. We must control our language. I want to read about it that James wrote a letter to all believers (James 3, 1-12):

My brothers, do not be masters in many, knowing that we will receive a more severe trial, for all those who lack in many things. If one does not fail to speak, is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. When we put bits into the mouths of horses because they obey us, we turn their whole body. Behold also the ships, though they are so large and are driven by strong wind, are guided by a very small anywhere who want to helm the operation. So also the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. You see what a great forest a little fire can ignite! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, included in our members lives and contaminates the whole body and sets fire to the course of life, taking his flame from hell. For every kind of beasts and birds, reptiles and marine creatures are tamed and have been tamed by the human race, but the tongue can no man tame: it is a rebellious evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men made in the likeness of God 'from the same mouth come blessing and cursing. Not be so, my brothers! Maybe the source can send forth the same sweet and bitter water jet? It can, my brethren, a fig produce olives or a vine produce figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

What James and 'in reality' the mirror of the teaching of Jesus'. Jesus 'taught us': "The things that come from your mouth and heart we are really dirty. Malignancy ', murder, adultery, theft, slander, everything comes from the heart. " Jesus' teaches us to clean up our words. When parole sono pulite, anche il nostro cuore sara’ pulito. Non dobbiamo dire il falso e non dobbiamo sporcare il nostro cuore. La base di tutto e’ la verita’ del nostro cuore. Dalla verita’, nascono anche l’onesta’, la sincerita’ e la purezza. Insomma dobbiamo imparare da Gesu’ e diventare una persona vera dicendo la verita’. Il cuore deve essere corrispondente alle parole. La vera persona puo’ essere orgogliosa e puo’ avere una vita pura.
Dobbiamo ricordare sempre le parole di Gesu’. Ripeto sempre una frase che ho imparato nella scuola elementare: “Bisogna essere buoni e umili come Gesu’ e spero che il nostro heart may be as pure as that of Jesus'. " I learned the hard things which concern the good heart, honest 'humility' Jesus'. I remember and always feel the love of Jesus'. When I read the chapter XXIII of the Gospel, I was scared. Jesus' hated hypocrites, and said, "You hypocrites are the tragedy." In this chapter, there are seven whole paragraphs that describes the hatred of Jesus' for hypocrisy. Our clergy know how to use some rules from the books and force our brothers to these rules. By contrast, the clergy use other rules to forgive and do not obey the rules that apply to our brethren. This clergy become 'hypocritical easily. Io mi ricordo sempre di fare il possibile per diventare una vera persona e dire la verita’. Avendo fatto questo per me stesso, posso insegnarlo ai miei fratelli.
Vi Auguro sinceramente che in questo nuovo anno
Abbiate una vita piu’ allegra senza la pressione dell’aumento dei prezzi;
Abbiate una vita piu’ libera, senza il disturbo di esser forzati a fare le cose non vi piacciono;
Abbiate una vita piu’ comoda, senza il pericolo di diventare gli schiavi the house and money.
We try to tell the truth ', learn the teachings of Jesus' and bear witness to the truth'.


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