Sunday, February 27, 2011

Breakfast At Tiffany's Invitations Wording

•Intervista di Giovanni Matichecchia a Vito Miccolis

(the Voice of Massafra of 02/26/2011)

The lawyer has Miccolis opened the campaign with a large convention of the leaders of the Democratic Party at the provincial and regional levels. The March 13 primary are an easy test that will be passed with ease. The comparison with Maurizio Baccaro, estimated exponent Vendola and secretary of the Left, Freedom and Ecology Massafra has no history. The PD Massafra grown a lot in the recent provincial and regional authorities to be concerned by a young left-wing force in a socio-political moderate and centrist. Vito Miccolis takes the field with the support of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and raising the banners of solidarity, freedom and equality. can testify, having done so in the past, a commitment and a willingness for people who can put a few in the field .
The recent renunciation of the office of assessor in a delicate area such as employment and training has given the measure of man and attachment to his land. In a country where no one resigned, giving up a department is a great test . You can count an impressive organizational machine consists of the youth of the PD that seem to be united in supporting his candidacy. Furthermore, the team's youth PD shows great clarity of ideas on work, nor could it be otherwise in light of the teachings of their leader. The youth of the Pd also argued, in their memorandum supporting the candidacy of Micco, that the work is bound to have a perspective on the compatibility with the environmental requirements. health first. Work should not mean putting your health at risk. LaVoce addressed to Vito Miccolis alcune domande. .....

Il resto dell' intervista è su


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