Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Is The Strongest Ibuprofen

MEETING March 3 The government records. Negative. Skip

continued growth youth unemployment rate, which reaches the data record (January 2004) 29.4% the increase of 0.5 n % over the previous month (28.9%), and 2.8% compared to January 2010 (26.6%). The inactive
between 15 and 64 years, notes the Istat, increase of 0.5% (80 000 units ) compared to the previous month. The inactivity rate is 37.8% , after three months when it was stable at 37.6%.

"The country will pay the absence of a government true. "So the secretary of the Democratic Party, Pier Luigi Bersani Istat said today's data on inflation and those on unemployment." Inflation and 'given the very worrying. We are the country that grows less in Europe, and we have higher inflation. The system load is not properly broken down and reforms that would help redistribute the load .''

Bersani also stressed that the unemployment is "a very serious issue, which the government insists on denying, while it is known to occur. We are not the same problem we are dealing with the country, we do not have a government, we proceed with the autopilot, and does not put his hand to anything. Se non si sblocca la situazione, i mesi che perderemo oggi li pagheremo duramente domani".

" Record di disoccupazione giovanile , record di disoccupazione nel Sud, record di cassa integrazione, record di recessione, record di anemia nella ripresa, record di inflazione, record di pressione fiscale . Il governo Berlusconi-Bossi-Tremonti è, indubbiamente, il governo dei record. Quanti altri record disastrosi dobbiamo raggiungere prima di aprire una stagione di riforme?" è quanto si domanda Stefano Fassina , responsabile Economia e Lavoro del PD.

Anche Vito Miccolis , segretario del PD di Massafra ,e candidato sindacdo alle primarie centrosinstra has discussed the problem of unemployment, with some data: "A Massafra are unemployed 5500, 1700 precarious position, not more than eight months of the year, 1218 employees in less (December 2009 - December 2010), the first emergency in the city is working and so my first act will be the appointment of a Labour Councillor for "


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