Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From Nuchal

SHANGHAI: Shanghai International Literary Festival 2011.

Even Shanghai this year, the IIC is pleased to announce the ninth International Festival of Literature (2011) , "which will begin 'Friday' on March 4 and will end 'Sunday, March 20, 2010, and will host' 85 writers from 17 countries.
The Italian author who will attend the Festival and 'Shanghai IIC Director, Dr. Paul Sabbatini, who Sunday, March 6, at 18. 00, will present ' "A book with six hands - Stories crossed Matteo Ricci, Xu Guangqi and Sabbatino de Ursis in the words of the descendants and followers" .

Data e Orario: domenica 6 marzo 2011, ore 18.00
Luogo: Crystal Room, 7th F., 5 M on The Bund, Guangdong Road, Shanghai - M on the Bund, Canton Road Bund 5 number, 7 Floor, Crystal Room
Tel: 400-620-6006
Info: www.m-, Tel: 0086 -21-

" At three in the afternoon of November 7, 2007 Mr. Xu Chengxi, Prof. Luigi Ricci and Dr. Paolo Sabbatini had their first meeting at the latter's apartment in Shanghai Yuyuan Road.

as they shook hands cordially, who would never have imagined that four hundred years ago, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, also the ancestors of these three men had their hands close to Nanjing and Beijing?

Xu Chengxi , a descendant of 13 generations of Xu Guangqi, a famous scientist of the last period of the Ming Dynasty, is now manager of a company Pudong, Shanghai. Luigi Ricci, Ricci descendant of the family, currently works as a lecturer at the University of Macerata. Paul Sabbatini, whose family is similar to that of Sabbatino de Ursis, is now the Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Shanghai. Four hundred years ago, in 1606, Ricci and Xu Guangqi translated the first books of Euclid's Elements in Chinese, which were published in 1607. In 1611, Xu Guangqi Sabbatino and translated a work on hydraulics, "The diverse and artificial machines of Captain Agostino Ramelli" which was published under the name of "hydraulic machines of the West.

2007 was the 400th anniversary of the publication in Chinese of Euclid's Elements. Historically, this book has played a very important role in cultural exchanges between China and the Western world, Chinese intellectual world in introducing a whole new mindset. Over two hundred years, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, Euclid's Elements were considered a major work for many students in the study of mathematics and contributed notably to the formation of several generations of scholars.

was convinced by Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi that interest in Western culture could facilitate the conversion of the intellectuals, to be published in Chinese of Euclid's Elements was undoubtedly a milestone worthy of being recorded in history.
For this reason, the Cultural Office of the Xuhui District, in collaboration with Fudan University, Jiaotong University and Xinming Evening News newspaper organized the "International Seminar on Paulus Xu Guangqi, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the publication in Chinese of Euclid's Elements. " Alongside this event was organized a series of round tables devoted to the students of secondary schools and universities and citizenship; parallel had place the inauguration of a monument to Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi.

After completing the program, however, the organizers felt that something was missing. For example, you could find the descendants of these people? Was there a way to invite them to participate in this great event? These ideas really fascinated us, but we knew we made was very difficult. At that point, we invited the first Mignini Prof., Director of the University of Macerata Matteo Ricci, Matteo Ricci and a great scholar of the historical period in which he lived, and an expert world of medieval philosophy with a profound understanding of Chinese culture.

But I never thought that during the preparations of the event would have made such a happy coincidence. On 31 August was held the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Works of excellent young artists in Shanghai" at the Art Gallery of Xuhui District. I was sent to attend the ceremony on behalf of the Cultural Bureau of Xuhui District in lieu of another deputy who had a commitment. At the gallery I met the director of the Museum of Art in Shanghai, Li She, who introduced me to Mr. Yin Rong YR of consulting, came to visit the exhibition with him, who collaborated with the Institute of Culture in Shanghai. Speaking of Italy, the topic of our conversation soon moved on Xu Guangqi, Matteo Ricci and the Elements of Euclid. The Sig.Yin informed me that the Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Shanghai, Dr. Paolo Sabbatini, is an artist and a polyglot with a great passion for cultural exchanges between China and Italy: is also a descendant of the Italian Jesuit Sabbatino de Ursis, and belongs to an historical Italian family. Upon hearing this I became very emotional and asked if it would be possible to arrange a meeting with Dr. Sabbatini next week. Mr. Yin agreed.

We met on September 7. During the discussion, we discovered that Dr. Sabbatini knew that we had organized the workshop, holding a call he said, smiling: "I was sent a letter of invitation that you sent to foreign scholars. It's really wonderful that you are planning such an event: Matteo Ricci and Sabbatino de Ursis were Italians and a Director of the Italian Culture I feel very proud. " He asked if it was possible to be invited to participate in that event, I gave him immediately my word that we would send a letter of invitation. In addition, I proposed to take part also in the preparation of the seminar. When he had confirmation, I asked if there was anything he could do to help. Here we discussed the details of the seminar. I thought that was the right time to ask the Dr. Sabbatini whether he could help us find a descendant of Matteo Ricci. I asked cautiously, because I was aware of the difficulties, quickly added that such an eventuality would have been of particular importance to the commemoration.

Dr. Sabbatini said he knew there un discendente della Famiglia Ricci: Luigi Ricci, docente presso l’Università di Macerata, la città natale di Matteo Ricci. Inoltre, egli si occupa anche d’arte e fotografia. Luigi Ricci e Paolo Sabbatini sono stati buoni amici da sempre, vivono nella stessa regione, le loro case non sono neppure lontane l’ una dall’altra.

Questa eccezionale coincidenza ci riempì di gioia. A quel punto, il Dott. Sabbatini prese il suo telefonino, compose il numero del Prof. Ricci, e lo informò della nostra proposta. Più tardi, quel giorno, ci disse che avrebbe mandato al Prof Ricci un’e-mail con i dettagli di quest’evento, aggiungendo con humour: “Tutto quello che è accaduto in questi giorni, sarebbe sufficiente a riempire un libro!”

Il secondo giorno, il sig. Yin ci chiamò emozionato: “Il Prof. Ricci sarebbe molto felice di partecipare a quest’evento. Il Dott. Sabbatini vi chiede la cortesia di preparare anche la lettera d’invito”. Così inviammo le lettere al Dott. Sabbatini e al Prof. Ricci via e-mail, esprimendo il nostro sincero desiderio di organizzare un incontro speciale per i tre discendenti prima the workshop: a meeting that would embrace the four centuries of history. Prof. Ricci accepted our invitation with pleasure, saying that he felt very honored to participate. We made our appointment in Shanghai, the Pudong airport internazioale.
At 9:40 am on November 6, 2007 the sun was shining. The plane of Prof. Ricci, flight no · AZ790, arrived on time in Shanghai.

On 7 November 2008, at 15, and I accompanied him Fudan University Prof. Li Tiangang Mr. Xu Chengxi the residence of Dr. Paolo Sabbatini at Yuyuan Lu, a three-storey villa. In the morning, Prof. Ricci had already come to the house of his friend. In an instant, when the three pairs of hands clasped, all three of us had tears in his eyes.
Ricci, very excited, said: "Coming to China now realizes a dream of mine. Today is the happiest day of my life! "Later, the three descendants exchanged gifts ceremony, recalling the scene of the three ancestors praised their actions with the respect due to their sacred memory, presented their families today, expressed the hope to extend l’amicizia e di rafforzare gli scambi culturali tra l’Italia e la Cina. Per la commozione, avevamo anche noi tutti le lacrime agli occhi, come se avessimo visto, in un flashback, la scena di Xu Guangqi e Matteo Ricci che traducevano gli Elementi e di Xu Guangqi e Sabbatino De Ursis che traducevano Idraulica Occidentale. Mi venne subito in mente la pittura ad olio Discussione dottrinale tra Xu Guangqi e Matteo Ricci: un momento indimenticabile per tutta la vita!

Il Dott. Sabbatini sospirò con emozione: “Non è solo un incontro fra i nostri tre discendenti, ma anche una testimonianza della lunga history of friendly contacts and cultural exchanges between Italy and China. " Before taking leave, Dr. Sabbatini played the harpsichord one of manicordio Eight Songs for Europe 's turn in the Chinese letter, written by Matteo Ricci gave a harpsichord when the Emperor Wanli in 1601. Commissioned the English missionary Matteo Ricci Diego de Pantoja to teach music in the service of Emperor songs that stir some curiosity, because the Son of Heaven asked the original words and music. The result was that the songs became extremely popular in high society of the capital and Matteo Ricci managed in this way to build up a reputation. Dr. Sabbatini, person di vasta cultura, è un esperto di arti e di musica. Tutti applaudirono dopo un breve momento di raccolto silenzio che seguì il suono del clavicembalo.

Il giorno dopo ci fu l’apertura del “Convegno Internazionale su Xu Guangqi e sul 400° Anniversario della Traduzione e della Pubblicazione degli Elementi”. Quando il Presidente del Convegno presentò il sig. Xu Chengxi, il Prof. Luigi Ricci e il Dott. Paolo Sabbatini, essi si alzarono, si recarono al podio e salutarono con un inchino oltre 100 studiosi ed esperti provenienti da tutta la Cina e da 9 Paesi stranieri.

immediately shone magnesium lamps and a roaring applause. More than 60 Chinese and foreign newspapers and TV advertising to the person they did great.
Then, with great pleasure, I was invited to breakfast at the home of Dr. Sabbatini, with Prof. Li Tiangang Fudan University, the descendant of Xu Guangqi, Xu and his wife Chengxi . Chatting, Dr. Sabbatini proposed to invite the other two descendants to write a book about their ancestors and their families, entitled "Six Hands".

The proposal won the approval of all of us. Mr. Yin Rong asked us if Prof. Li Tianggang and I could write an article on the book. I was afraid of this promise because they are not skilled in writing and I was afraid I was not qualified to write a meaningful article.

In April 2008, Dr. Sabbatini met again, this time in his office. Negotiate how to further strengthen the cooperation, friendship and cultural exchanges between Italy and China and asked if it was possible to twin the Xuhui District of Shanghai with the city of Macerata, in order to continue the cultural exchange started 400 years ago. Dr. Sabbagh agreed with me and proposed the twinning Mignini Professor, Director of the University of Matteo Ricci of the University of Macerata, which gave an immediate, positive response, accepting with enthusiasm. I was delighted. Like fellow countryman Xu Guangxi, is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to promote cultural exchanges, accelerate mutual understanding between the two cultures and strengthening friendship between the two peoples.

Presto, l’argomento della nostra conversazione si spostò al libro che pensavamo di pubblicare. Sfogliai un plico di bozze mostratemi dal Dott. Sabbatini e mi accorsi che aveva già creato la struttura complessiva del libro, anzi, aveva già ultimato la maggioranza di esso.   In quel momento, mi sembrò di non trovare più scuse per rifiutare la proposta. Tornato in ufficio, consultai le note già prese, ordinai il corso degli eventi e scrissi il presente articolo. "


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