Monday, March 7, 2011

Thomas The Tank Swimming Armbands

The women not only with GD 's March 8

L ' March 8, 2011 the Young Democrats of Massafra want to remember and emphasize the importance and rights of women. It was
1908 when in New York, the Textile Industry Workers went on strike to protest the terrible conditions in which they were forced to work. The strike lasted for several days, until March 8, the owner Mr. Johnson, blocked all the gates of the factory to prevent workers leaving. The building was set on fire and the 129 workers trapped inside burned by the flames. In memory of this sacrifice today in all countries, the ' March 8 is International Women's Day to remember the struggles and efforts, even in human terms, made by women around the world for equal dignity and more rights.
GD I remember this day, Mindful of the immediate support given to women during the initiative " If not now when? "last February 13, want to raise awareness about the issues that still weigh on the Status of Women and remembering gap between the two genres, in the workplace, economic, social.
Today, women are still forced to suffer the humiliation and violence in the body and 'their soul, they are subjected, are excluded from jobs, is written down their thoughts and their autonomy.
Becoming aware of what is reality, and that reflect on women's issues can not be reduced to only ask for the March 8 risposte alla società , alle istituzioni , ai partiti.
Chiediamo che venga data voce e spazio a tutte le donne .Chiediamo più ammortizzatori sociali, che permettano alle lavoratrici, in maniera concreta, di non fare una scelta tra la famiglia e il lavoro. Chiediamo una vera parità retributiva tra i generi, per dare piena dignità al lavoro femminile. Chiediamo più strumenti, veramente efficaci, per aiutare le donne vittime di violenza, sopratutto nell'ambito delle mura domestiche.
Questo è l’impegno dei Giovani Democratici di Massafra , tutti insieme ragazzi e ragazze.

Coordinamento Giovani Democratici di Massafra


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