Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Transmit Music Wirelessly From Computer

SHANGHAI: Seminar on "The restoration of the cities' history - Experience Italian and Chinese."

L'IIC Shanghai è lieto di annunciare il Seminario su " The restoration of the cities' history - Italian and Chinese Experiences ", organized in collaboration with IsIAO , Tongji University, UNESCO, International Artes, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita 'di Bologna, which will be' Thursday 'March 10, 2011, at 14:00 , at Tongji University.
Speakers : Prof. Albert Wang ("Sino-Italian Campus), Prof. Ruan Yisan ( Ruan Yisan Foundation "); Prof. Giorgio Casacchia (IIC Shanghai Cultural Attache), Prof. Giampiero Cuppini ( Artes International "); Mr. Giampaolo Naronte ( Studio Zunarelli "), a representative of the District of Qufu.
Date and Time: Thursday, 'March 10, 2011, at 14:00
Location: Room 401, 4F , Tongji Urban Planning Center, 1111, North Zhongshan 2 Road, Shanghai  (entrance from Guo Kang Road) -  上海同济规划大厦 401 室,中山北二路 1111 号(国康路入口).
Ingresso Libero.


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