Monday, March 14, 2011

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Licenza Creative Commons freedom by 2.0 Valerio De Luca is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License . Based on a work at . Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at ( see on this link in Italian how you can use this image : ) (authorship in the manner specified by the author: My Quote name - Valerio De Luca - next to the publication and contact me via email deluca.valerio @, thanks hello).

Stonebridge Insurance

SHANGHAI, Suzhou and Ningbo: Masterclass and Concert of Italian soprano Silvia Colombini.

The IIC Shanghai and 'pleased to announce a series of Masterclass and concerts held by the Italian soprano Silvia Colombini in Shanghai, Suzhou and Ningbo from 19 to March 24 pv.
The program 'as follows:
- pv Saturday, March 19, 20:00 : Concert at the Art Center of Culture and Technology of Suzhou,
- Wednesdays' 2 3 March next, at 9:00 : Masterclass of singing at the Universities '"Tongji"
- Wednesday' coating March 23, 19.30 : Concert at the Urban Theater Shanghai;
- Thursday 'coating March 24, 19.30 : Concert at the Grand Theatre of Ningbo.

date, time and place:
Saturday, March 19, 2011, 20:00:
and Culture Technology Artistic Centre, 1, Guangfeng Road, Industrial Area (Yuanqu), Suzhou - Suzhou Science and Cultural Arts Center, Maple Street Park View 1 number.
Mercoledi ' ; 2 3 marzo 2011, ore 9 .00
3F, ShiXun Building, Campus Sud, 67, Chifeng Road, Tongji University, Shanghai - Tongji University, South Campus, Chifeng Road 67 号,实训楼, 3 楼.
Mercoledi' 23 marzo 2011, ore 19.30
Urban Theatre, 4889. Dushi Road, Minhang District, Shanghai -  上海城市剧院,都市路 4889 号.
Giovedi' 24 marzo 2011, ore 19.30
Grand Theatre, 1, Dazha Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo - 宁波大剧院,江北区大闸路 1 号
Info: Ms. Olivia, 0086-

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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• Primary results of the center

Risultati primarie 13 Marzo 2011
Vito Miccolis 80,6%
Maurizio Baccaro 19,4%
Vito Miccolis sarà il candidato del centrosinistra alle comunali , forza Vito , forza Massafra

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How to vote in the primary and tourist resources? • Letter of

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Licenza Creative Commons gnome aspiring greeting by Valerio De Luca is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License . Based on a work at . Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at ( see on this link in Italian how you can use this image : ) (authorship in the manner specified by the author: Quote my name - Valerio De Luca - next to the publication and contact me via email deluca.valerio @, thanks hello).

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

White Thick After Period

• Comizi Rionali - San Francisco

This evening at 19.00 in front of the Church of the Infant Jesus, public meeting of the Democratic Party. Vito will speak Miccolis, candidate for mayor in the primary of the center. We participate in numerous

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SHANGHAI: Lecture on "Chanel and Italy."

The IIC is pleased to announce the Shanghai Conference on " Chanel and Italy," held by the Shanghai IIC Director, Dr. Paul Sabbatini, on the day of Monday 'on March 14 next, at 18:30 at the Museum of Contemporary Art ( MoCA) in Shanghai.
The Conference reveals the universe of Mademoiselle Chanel through his creations, icons, artistic and literary inspirations, which are also an expression of Italian culture.

Date and Time: Monday ', March 14, 2011, 18:30.
Location: MoCA Shanghai, 231, West Nanjing Road, Door No. 7, People Park, Shanghai - Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai, Nanjing West Road 231 number, People's Park 7 Gate

RSVP e biglietti:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Shanghai and Suzhou: Meeting Convivial and Italian Festival for the Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Unity 'of Italy.

In occasione del 150o Anniversario dell'Unita ' of Italy, the IIC Shanghai and 'pleased to announce the Dating club and Italian Festival to be held Thursday ' March 17, 2011:
- in Shanghai, starting from 18.00 at Anfu Road. The event 'organized in cooperation with Mr. Charles Scialdone, and promoted by: Italian restaurant "Da Marco" ; " Fratelli Beretta "; " Gemar Baloons , "" Big Party "," Intense - Aroma Caffe ' "
- in Suzhou, starting from 19.30 at the Italian Restaurant " Mammamia .

Date and Time: Thursday 'March 17, 2011, from 18:00

SHANGHAI : 168, Anfu Road (by Wulumuqi Road), "Chevalier Plaza" - An Fu Road 158 (near Urumqi Road), also Park, Shanghai
Sig. Carlo Scialdone

SUZHOU : Italian Restaurant "Mammamia", Xingzhou St., Hubin Ave., SIP - Sin Chew Street Industrial Park Lakeside Boulevard glass house, 新 岛 咖啡 北, 农历 广场 喷泉 南
Tel: 0512 6272 8600

tickets, coupons and Menus are available at events.

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Saturday 12: Day event to "Dinosaurs in the flesh"

Saturday, March 12, 2011 - event day of the exhibition:

Science and Art back to life the rulers of a Lost World

We are waiting to celebrate the arrival in Piacenza of the most famous rulers of the Mesozoic, in the company of team Geomodel, paleontologists, artists and all those who made the show.
During the event:
- free guided tours by appointment
- performance the subjects of the exhibition
filmmakers - paleontologists and artists explain their work to visitors
- interactive activities with the public

Where: Piacenza, Urban Center, 107 Via Scalabrini
When: Saturday, March 12, from 9:30 to 18

The admission to the exhibition will run throughout the day, ask for non-toxic ink stamp that will give you free access in and out throughout the opening hours

- booking shows for free guided tours at 10:00 and 14:30, subject to availability (30 per visit) call 347 4888630, Friday, March 11 from 9 to 18

-reservation activities free (up to 10 years of age): excavation and recognition of fossils at the Museum of Natural History in Piacenza: call 337 745 0523, Friday, March 11 from 9:30 to 12:30

Ticket price: Adults 7 €, reduced 5 €

not miss it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Decorations Should I Use On Top Of Cabinets

• Comizi Rionali - Pratofiorito

The next meeting is in front of the church of San Francesco at 19:00

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• School Talent

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SHANGHAI: Concert Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, conducted by Maestro Zubin Mehta.

The IIC Shanghai and 'pleased to announce the Concert Maggio Musicale Fiorentino , which will be' the Wednesday '23 March next at 19.30 , at the Shanghai Grand Theatre in the presence of the Ambassador of Italy in China, SE Massimo Iannucci.
The Orchestra of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and ' conducted by Maestro Zubin Mehta and esiguira' Symphonies "The Sicilian Vespers," "Luisa Miller", "La Forza del Destino "Verdi, and the Symphony No. 1 in D Major (Titan) Mahler.
The event, which is also part of the program of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unity 'of Italy, will' be preceded by a Press Conference on 22 March at 15:00, again at the Grand Theatre Shanghai.

Data e Orario : 23 marzo 2011, ore 19.30.
Luogo: Shanghai Grand Theatre, People's Square, Shanghai - Shanghai Grand Theatre, No people Boulevard 300.
Info & Ticket: 0086-21-, 0086-21-

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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SHANGHAI: Seminar on "The restoration of the cities' history - Experience Italian and Chinese."

L'IIC Shanghai è lieto di annunciare il Seminario su " The restoration of the cities' history - Italian and Chinese Experiences ", organized in collaboration with IsIAO , Tongji University, UNESCO, International Artes, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita 'di Bologna, which will be' Thursday 'March 10, 2011, at 14:00 , at Tongji University.
Speakers : Prof. Albert Wang ("Sino-Italian Campus), Prof. Ruan Yisan ( Ruan Yisan Foundation "); Prof. Giorgio Casacchia (IIC Shanghai Cultural Attache), Prof. Giampiero Cuppini ( Artes International "); Mr. Giampaolo Naronte ( Studio Zunarelli "), a representative of the District of Qufu.
Date and Time: Thursday, 'March 10, 2011, at 14:00
Location: Room 401, 4F , Tongji Urban Planning Center, 1111, North Zhongshan 2 Road, Shanghai  (entrance from Guo Kang Road) -  上海同济规划大厦 401 室,中山北二路 1111 号(国康路入口).
Ingresso Libero.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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The women not only with GD 's March 8

L ' March 8, 2011 the Young Democrats of Massafra want to remember and emphasize the importance and rights of women. It was
1908 when in New York, the Textile Industry Workers went on strike to protest the terrible conditions in which they were forced to work. The strike lasted for several days, until March 8, the owner Mr. Johnson, blocked all the gates of the factory to prevent workers leaving. The building was set on fire and the 129 workers trapped inside burned by the flames. In memory of this sacrifice today in all countries, the ' March 8 is International Women's Day to remember the struggles and efforts, even in human terms, made by women around the world for equal dignity and more rights.
GD I remember this day, Mindful of the immediate support given to women during the initiative " If not now when? "last February 13, want to raise awareness about the issues that still weigh on the Status of Women and remembering gap between the two genres, in the workplace, economic, social.
Today, women are still forced to suffer the humiliation and violence in the body and 'their soul, they are subjected, are excluded from jobs, is written down their thoughts and their autonomy.
Becoming aware of what is reality, and that reflect on women's issues can not be reduced to only ask for the March 8 risposte alla società , alle istituzioni , ai partiti.
Chiediamo che venga data voce e spazio a tutte le donne .Chiediamo più ammortizzatori sociali, che permettano alle lavoratrici, in maniera concreta, di non fare una scelta tra la famiglia e il lavoro. Chiediamo una vera parità retributiva tra i generi, per dare piena dignità al lavoro femminile. Chiediamo più strumenti, veramente efficaci, per aiutare le donne vittime di violenza, sopratutto nell'ambito delle mura domestiche.
Questo è l’impegno dei Giovani Democratici di Massafra , tutti insieme ragazzi e ragazze.

Coordinamento Giovani Democratici di Massafra

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PD: The Mayor agreed and signed "again" closing our hospital. •

Tamburrano The Mayor agreed and signed "again" the closure of our hospital.
the same day, Mayor John Mottola Quero sits at the head of his countrymen, saying NO to the provocations of the Commissioner of ASL Ta / 1 Dr. Colasanto !
Tamburrano, after the hospital closed in 2003, has once again betrayed our city, agreeing with Dr. Colasanto the decommissioning of existing beds with effect from March 15.
And the perversion of our organizational emergency room, mortifying the existing medical professionalism for calculating a shameful "retaliatory" against them.
Questo atteggiamento consociativo del Sindaco con il Commissario ASL, pervaso da una assurda e sconcertante ostilità contro l' ospedale di Massafra , smaschera definitivamente l' ipocrisia di Tamburrano che alterna strumentali estremismi in pubblico e ingannevoli marce indietro al cospetto del potere.
Tutto questo avviene mentre il Partito Democratico e al suo gruppo consiliare regionale è impegnato in un serrato confronto in Commissione sanità e con l'Assessore Fiore, con il quale si era concordato che non dovevano esserci dismissioni di reparti, senza la contestualità di servizi alternativi, definendo un'offerta di cura con l'attivazione dei Day Service medico-chirurgici riapetura and operating rooms, keeping the emergency room with intensive observation Short H24.
The Democratic Party will not allow these characters to play on the skin of the citizens and the sick.

Democratic Club Massafra

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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APPI members and the "Dinosaurs in the flesh"

APPI report to members that the 2011 card entitles you to reduced ticket at the entrance of the exhibition "Dinosaurs in the flesh " Urban Center of Piacenza (Scalabrini see 107, admission to the Museum of Natural History) .

Spinosaurus, the star of the show.

The show got under way these days: in addition to the beautiful reconstructions of prehistoric animals in size, you can discover the work of artists and organizations that enliven the Italian paleontology.

APPI point of the show you can join the Association immediately receive the first issue APPI News in 2011 and the personal card, and you can buy several gadgets related to the Association and the shows.

If you can not do it directly at the show, just go for registration at the post office and fill out a postal order with the following information:


2011 AMOUNT: EURO 15.00

C / C POST No. 77113280


Friday, March 4, 2011

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Colasanto acting on his own

surprised to learn that, contrary to the institutional decisions taken at the Regional Council of and Commission on Health plan of reorganization hospital intended to impose the principles of gradualism and contextuality in the conversion, the Extraordinary ASL Dr. Taranto Domenico Colasanto procede unilateralmente con le dismissioni degli ospedali.
In sede di confronto sulla nuova rete ospedaliera, abbiamo insistito sulle funzioni dell'ospedale di Massafra.
Abbiamo condiviso la necessità di procedere anzitutto con l'attivazione dei Day Service medico-chirurgici e annessa apertura delle sale operatorie con la definizione di una nuova offerta di cura ed assistenza attraverso l'attivazione dei nuovi posti letto delle Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali ed una molteplicità di servizi di medicina del territorio ed ambulatoriale, oltre ad un punto di primo intervento.
Nessuna disattivazione degli attuali posti letto può essere attuata senza aver definito i nuovi servizi, per evitare così a serious hardship for a large catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe ion.
The Democratic Party confirmed the need for a radical break with the current leaders of the ASL to foster a new phase of healthcare management Puglia, vertices that work primarily to meet the health needs of citizens and not for their personal careers.

Sergio Blasi - Regional Secretary PD
Antonio Decaro - Parent PD Regional Council
Joseph Romano - Regional Manager Healthcare PD Puglia
Michele Mazzara - Regional Council of Taranto

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• Comizi Rionali - Neighborhood Belvedere

privileged few the rest of the country in Division B

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SHANGHAI: Presentation of the book "China Supply Management" by Paolo Barbieri, Lelio Cavazza and Giorgio Prodi.

L’IIC Shanghai è lieto di annunciare che Giorgio Prodi e Lelio Gavazza presenteranno il loro libro scritto a sei mani con Paolo Barbieri, ed edito da “Il Mulino” (marzo 2011, 208 pp.),  “Supply China Management” .
L’evento, organizzato dal Consolato Generale d’Italia a Shanghai, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Shanghai, la Tongji University e la “Garden Books” di Shanghai, si terra’ giovedi’ 10 marzo 201 1 :
- alle ore 1 0 .00, at the Universita '"Tongji"
- at 17:00 at the Library International Garden Books. "

Keynote Address by the Consul General in Shanghai Vincenzo De Luca; speech of Mr. Valentino Coat of arms of the 'Osservatorio Asia "presentation of the activities of the Italian Institute of Culture in Shanghai .

Date and Time:
giovedi '10 marzo 2011:
ore 10.00:
Room 1805, Zonghe Building, Tongji University, 1239, Siping Road, Shanghai - Tongji University, Siping Road, 1239 Road, Building, 1805 room
ore 17.00: International Library "Garden Books", 325, Changle Road, Shanghai - 长乐路 325 号,“ Garden Books” 韬奋西文书局
Ingresso Libero.


Questo libro è frutto di un progetto di ricerca di Osservatorio Asia, reso possibile grazie al contributo della Fondazione Carisbo, di Ima e di Accenture. A loro va il our thanks. The research was designed and conducted by the three authors have collaborated in writing the book and also Romeo Valentino Orlandi coat of arms. Tone and content of the work are the result of a collective work and shared by the authors, although the active preparation of its parts has been organized as follows: Romeo Orlandi wrote the introduction, Giorgio Prodi wrote Chapter 1, Ima cases, Comer, and Beghelli Euticals and Chapter 5 (except section 5.2), Paolo Barbieri wrote Chapter 2, the cases Natuzzi, Pirelli, Italmatch, and MiniGears SharMoon and Chapter 4, Lelio Gavazza wrote the case Mantero, section 5.2 and Chapter 6, Valentino's Coat of Arms wrote the chapter 7. Thank you also for the extraordinary helpfulness and courtesy all the people we interviewed and case studies of leading companies: Giampiero Beghelli and Graziano for Beghelli, Giuliano Spagnuolo for Comer Industries, Riccardo Anzuini for Euticals, Massimo Marchesini for Ima, Sergio Iorio for Italmatch, Mirella Privitelio for Mantero, for MiniGears Fabio Antonello, Giuseppe Cattaneo, Pirelli. Lelio Cavazza and Valentino coat of arms, in addition to writing the chapters mentioned above, respectively, were also interviewed for the case and the case SharMoon Natuzzi. In the inception phase of the project were very helpful advice of several members of the Scientific Committee of Osservatorio Asia, in particular Andrea Lipparini Romeo and Alberto Orlandi Forchielli. Marta Zucchelli collaborated in the collection of data in Chapter 1 and Matthew Bellomi worked with some interviews in China. INTRODUCTION This book is delivered to the press at the same time spread the news that China has surpassed Japan to become the second largest economy world in terms of GDP in absolute values. The statement is highly symbolic, but is neither unexpected nor exceptional. For a long time, China had already taken the same position, if one considers the wealth to GDP, a measure of purchasing power parity (PPP, Purchasing Power Parity). This is an appropriate criterion, for years used International Monetary Fund. In addition, the conquest of the position behind the U.S. to be seen in relation to the rightful allocation of production factors. It would automatically expect that the country with the largest population, with an area of \u200b\u200bgreat natural resources and scarce naturaliter is the world's largest economy. As is known, historical and political events have made the productivity of factors in China less than that of the landscape that is the first to have developed on a large scale. The performance of China is therefore a historical perspective, placing it in connection with the backwardness of the country and the spectacular leaps forward that are attested in the chronicles economic. The dialectic of interpretation is enriched a question that comes from afar and that, however, looks to the future, it is surprising that China is poised to become the first power in the world or that it already is? So study the characteristics of China's growth is a useful exercise to understand the pace at which it will continue and when China will resume the post he held for many centuries, the country's most populous and economically powerful in the world. Still remains a difficult prospect to imagine if and when the country will boast the highest per capita income, at least among large ones. For the moment the changes are confined to economic puissance, but are of epoch-making. Along with the rise of other nations with large populations, a trend that emphasizes Chinese novel: soon the economically stronger countries will not be richer. is clearly a reshuffling of the political and strategic assets of the entire planet. The goal of China is the latest in a series of successes. In 2009, the dragon has become the largest exporter of merchandise. Germany ousted after a run which has seen it pass in a few years, the traditional export powers, including Italy. Today, China boasts a 9.8 percent of world exports. The rhythms are more of his statement of its absolute value. The conquest of positions has proved fast and profitable. The export-led growth has been, at least until the crisis of 2008, the reference model, a guiding star of leadership. The increase in GDP was mainly due to investments and exports. The country has become a titanic machine goods, a huge factory for Humanity, which could be produced for every need. was an irresistible magnet for multinationals that have moved to the country's capital, machinery, intellectual resources and hopes. No other destination could offer, at least in principle, the same attraction in China: an unbeatable mix of low costs of production factors, labor, economic, inexhaustible and disciplined, political stability, mirage di un mercato infinito. Il paese ha attratto 160.000 aziende straniere e da anni è la destinazione dove maggiormente si indirizzano gli Ide (Investimenti diretti esteri). La delocalizzazione in Cina ha colpito sia le imprese dei paesi industrializzati sia le ambizioni di altri paesi emergenti, penalizzati dall’offerta cinese e ostacolati da una minore capacità negoziale rispetto al peso politico di Pechino. Un altro record cinese è la dimensione delle casseforti statali, dove sono conservate le più alte riserve internazionali al mondo. L’astronomica cifra di 2.475 miliardi di dollari deriva dall’afflusso combinato di capitali d’investimento stranieri e di attivi commerciali. L’importo non viene intaccato dai già massicci domestic investment. These are financed through the banking which collects the savings of the population, traditionally settled at very high levels. we can easily understand that the use of Chinese stocks is of a political nature, especially in times of crisis. In addition to the diversification of uses, it is highly likely that a part is used to finance overseas acquisitions, both private business and sovereign wealth funds. Purchases are made on an international scale and is likely to increase very soon to be themselves the most conspicuous in the world. China is therefore ready to cross the Great Wall, which had protected but also for long periods, doomed to immobility. After having lowered to attract foreign capital, now the cancel to add strength to his social experiment. is a signal that global diminish the protections, even the most entrenched. The Wall was both physical and ideological, aimed to highlight the uniqueness of Chinese civilization. National pride, consciousness of its history are not renegades from adventure abroad, rather they just China reaffirms its strength and its centrality. This is the ambition of China, knowing that you can not rest on success in globalization and that the country has become, simultaneously, more stronger and more fragile, for a continuous growth for not impoverished. The profits will come increasingly out of control, distribution and financial strength. The most important so far have been of raw materials, especially energy. Major mining countries like Canada and Australia, or producers of Africa and Latin America were the counterparts of the Chinese government. Added to this, and are increasing purchases of companies in developed countries. entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that is part of the political will to bring out the unique landscape on the one dimension of production, as summarized by the effective expression of the factory of the world monetary allocations are used to buy qualità, termine inteso nella sua declinazione più vasta: innovazione, tecnologia, affermazione del marchio, ottimizzazione degli approvvigionamenti, alleanze finanziarie. Questo percorso di emancipazione dalla quantità» poggia su un altro binario: lo sviluppo del mercato interno. Si tratta contemporaneamente di una scelta e di una necessità. Rivela l’urgenza di porre rimedio ad una situazione di plateale sperequazione sociale. La Cina è divenuta più ricca e più disuguale. Probabilmente è divenuta prospera velocemente proprio perché ha rinnegato l’egualitarismo maoista. Ha prevalso la convinzione che la ricchezza è trainata dalle disuguaglianze. Affermava Deng Xiao Ping nel 1985: Non è possibile arricchirsi tutti insieme. Lasciamo che alcuni si arricchiscano per primi e poi aiutino gli altri a farlo . La distribuzione della ricchezza è sbilanciata, ma non più estendibile. Le differenze sociali sono eclatanti e soprattutto visibili. Il rischio di instabilità sociale è forte, perché la società potrebbe aver messo in moto meccanismi non più controllabili. Il governo ha alcune opzioni: revisione del meccanismo delle imposte, estensione del welfare dopo lo smantellamento, aumento delle retribuzioni per i meno abbienti. Quest’ultima soluzione è praticabile per via indiretta. La dirigenza sembra appoggiare le rivendicazioni salariali che hanno scosso la Cina con un’inedita diffusione. Un aumento dei salari avrebbe conseguenze benefiche anche sui consumi interni e sulla determinazione di trasformare il paese verso ambiti più qualitativi. Maggiore costo della manodopera significa scoraggiare gli investimenti delle multinazionali in fabbriche labour intensive. Settori maturi, come il tessile ed il calzaturiero, possono essere adeguatamente trasferiti in altri paesi emergenti, dove i costi sono ancora più bassi. L’attrazione dei capitali stranieri si baserà, dunque, sui vantaggi reciproci, da negoziare su un base paritaria. Maggiore reddito disponibile sarà, infine, necessario per rinnovare il modello di crescita, imperniandolo sulla domanda interna. Una domestic led growth è all’orizzonte di Pechino e, sebbene con tempi diversi, della comunità d’affari International. For China it is necessary to move away from the international cycle. is obviously an attempt to make less binding dependency, not self-sufficient roads impossible to travel. The crisis sparked in 2008 had put China in a dramatic situation. The decline in demand, especially in the United States, was immediately impacted on the export of China: Thousands of factories have closed down, 20 million workers were unemployed. The acute phase was soon overcome, thanks to a maxi-Keynesian intervention by the government. However, the risk may recur, and it is easy to imagine that the fate of the country can not be left to factors beyond our control. The first phase storage / production has therefore closed successfully. The second is in progress and is facing new challenges. The conjunction between the two periods is the ongoing ability to deliver value, be always the principal in the supply chain. From this assumption, apart from the ambition of this book. The authors attempt to emerge from the simplified analytical identifying China as a viable synthesis of political control and low wages. These characteristics are necessary but not sufficient for the development of contemporary China. Not constants are all interrelated and spectacular success if the entire national system, despite its complexity, does not move in the same direction. The flagship of China was, and still remains, the production of wealth, the creation of value. If the first phase was focused on the buildings, the second is wider horizontally. After turning denghista, the country is not out of the groove in developing countries: the industrialization through the production of manufactured goods at low unit cost. The current phase has been enriched with sophistication that will be cut in the book. Workers were added to the incessant communications, infrastructure, logistics, high-speed trains, the ability to work in networks, optimization of supply. These are the real reasons why corporations continue to favor China. The low cost of manodopera è comune nei paesi in via di sviluppo, ma lì la supply chain spesso si interrompe all’uscita dai cancelli delle fabbriche. Al contrario, la Cina continua a progredire nelle infrastrutture: nei primi otto mesi del 2010 il porto di Shanghai ha conquistato la supremazia mondiale. Fedele alla convinzione di Osservatorio Asia – La conoscenza è un fattore di successo – il lavoro si snoda attraverso tre parti: l’impostazione teorica dell’analisi, la verifica empirica con dieci casi aziendali tra i più significativi del panorama italiano, le conclusioni strutturate sulle evidenze scrutinate. è un lavoro nel quale il metodo è ugualmente importante del merito. Senza un approccio articolato e senza un’opportuna dose of humility, you could not understand a complex phenomenon, new and sometimes confusing. An efficient synthesis have been given by Yang Yuanqing, chairman of Lenovo, the Chinese company that made the famous first acquisition abroad. In 2004, it bought the PC division of IBM, in an attempt, so far managed to put together factors and skills to produce wealth. The Lenovo was in fact, since 1997, the most popular PC brand in China. His statement is exemplary in its dryness: In a world with only one time zone - "now" - the sphere of business must find the materials, innovation, talent, logistics, le infrastrutture e la produzione dovunque siano disponibili al meglio . Abituarsi a convivere con un ciclo di lavoro senza pause può risultare inquietante, un ritorno al passato che le società industrializzate e democratiche sembravano aver sconfitto. La specializzazione del reperimento dove più vantaggioso appare, invece, un terreno neutrale, dove potrebbero e dovrebbero emergere l’intraprendenza, l’acume, la capacità di rischio. Dalla Cina arriva una sfida sulle competenze, secondo un modello sconosciuto all’Occidente, e proprio per questo meritevole di approfondimento.

Paolo Barbieri is a researcher in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology Management, University of Bologna. Doctor of research in engineering and management, has been 'visiting scholar' at the Michigan State University and the Clarkson School of Business.

Lelio Cavazza, expert supply chain management and strategic consulting and executive, is managing director of Greater China for the Bulgari Group. And 'member of the Scientific Centre of Asia.

Giorgio Prodi is a researcher in Applied Economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ferrara and a member of the Scientific Committee of Osservatorio Asia. With 'The Mill' published 'A sometimes produce' (with Romeo Orlandi, 2006) and 'Making the land of the services' (with Sauro Mezzetti, 2009).

Knowledge as a competitive factor.
Asia Centre is a body created by a close collaboration between representatives from business and academia, with a willingness to continuously examine the Italy-Asia economic relations.
Objective Monitoring of Asia, is to promote Italian businesses to become more aware of the Asian markets.
Asia Centre promotes various activities (conferences, seminars, training courses and publishing projects), in order to provide effective support for internationalization of our businesses.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Visit of Italian President Giorgio Napolitano in Shanghai (October 2010)

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Comizi Rionali

  • Wednesday, March 2 at 19.00 Rionale Comice - Sant'Oronzo
  • Friday, March 4 at 19.00 Comice Rionale - Belvedere
  • Monday, March 7 at 19.00 Rionale Comice - Pratofiorito
  • Thursday, March 10 at 19.00 Rionale Comice - San Francisco
  • Friday, March 11 at 19.00 Comice local - Baby Jesus

part of yesterday's rally on March 2

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Chinese artist Wang Xiao Hui

from left to right: Mr Roger Yin Rong (Museum "Liu Hai Su Shanghai), Dr. Paolo Sabbatini (IIC Shanghai) WANG XIAO HUI, Dr. Vera Li (Shanghai IIC), Ms. Veronica Wang (Shanghai IIC), Dr. Jonathan Ricci Alunni (IIC Shanghai)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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• • •

ore 19.00
presso la sede in Corso Italia 36
è convocato una pubblica assemblea
Tutti gli iscritti e i simpatizzanti sono invitati a partecipare.

Vito Miccolis

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MEETING March 3 The government records. Negative. Skip

continued growth youth unemployment rate, which reaches the data record (January 2004) 29.4% the increase of 0.5 n % over the previous month (28.9%), and 2.8% compared to January 2010 (26.6%). The inactive
between 15 and 64 years, notes the Istat, increase of 0.5% (80 000 units ) compared to the previous month. The inactivity rate is 37.8% , after three months when it was stable at 37.6%.

"The country will pay the absence of a government true. "So the secretary of the Democratic Party, Pier Luigi Bersani Istat said today's data on inflation and those on unemployment." Inflation and 'given the very worrying. We are the country that grows less in Europe, and we have higher inflation. The system load is not properly broken down and reforms that would help redistribute the load .''

Bersani also stressed that the unemployment is "a very serious issue, which the government insists on denying, while it is known to occur. We are not the same problem we are dealing with the country, we do not have a government, we proceed with the autopilot, and does not put his hand to anything. Se non si sblocca la situazione, i mesi che perderemo oggi li pagheremo duramente domani".

" Record di disoccupazione giovanile , record di disoccupazione nel Sud, record di cassa integrazione, record di recessione, record di anemia nella ripresa, record di inflazione, record di pressione fiscale . Il governo Berlusconi-Bossi-Tremonti è, indubbiamente, il governo dei record. Quanti altri record disastrosi dobbiamo raggiungere prima di aprire una stagione di riforme?" è quanto si domanda Stefano Fassina , responsabile Economia e Lavoro del PD.

Anche Vito Miccolis , segretario del PD di Massafra ,e candidato sindacdo alle primarie centrosinstra has discussed the problem of unemployment, with some data: "A Massafra are unemployed 5500, 1700 precarious position, not more than eight months of the year, 1218 employees in less (December 2009 - December 2010), the first emergency in the city is working and so my first act will be the appointment of a Labour Councillor for "

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• Federalism • Municipal

He arrived at the 44 th vote of confidence for the government . And once again obtained the confidence of the thermometer is a weakness government, as evidenced by the extension requested by Calderoli. He reiterated the Secretary of the PD, Pier Luigi Bersani, who spoke in the House with a clear message to everyone: "We are interested in doing fiscal federalism, but if you do it right. If you make a mess, we are voting against. This municipal order on federalism, beyond your fairy tales, is a mess. You put your hands in the pockets of citizens, and insert a sheet on small businesses. "

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From Nuchal

SHANGHAI: Shanghai International Literary Festival 2011.

Even Shanghai this year, the IIC is pleased to announce the ninth International Festival of Literature (2011) , "which will begin 'Friday' on March 4 and will end 'Sunday, March 20, 2010, and will host' 85 writers from 17 countries.
The Italian author who will attend the Festival and 'Shanghai IIC Director, Dr. Paul Sabbatini, who Sunday, March 6, at 18. 00, will present ' "A book with six hands - Stories crossed Matteo Ricci, Xu Guangqi and Sabbatino de Ursis in the words of the descendants and followers" .

Data e Orario: domenica 6 marzo 2011, ore 18.00
Luogo: Crystal Room, 7th F., 5 M on The Bund, Guangdong Road, Shanghai - M on the Bund, Canton Road Bund 5 number, 7 Floor, Crystal Room
Tel: 400-620-6006
Info: www.m-, Tel: 0086 -21-

" At three in the afternoon of November 7, 2007 Mr. Xu Chengxi, Prof. Luigi Ricci and Dr. Paolo Sabbatini had their first meeting at the latter's apartment in Shanghai Yuyuan Road.

as they shook hands cordially, who would never have imagined that four hundred years ago, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, also the ancestors of these three men had their hands close to Nanjing and Beijing?

Xu Chengxi , a descendant of 13 generations of Xu Guangqi, a famous scientist of the last period of the Ming Dynasty, is now manager of a company Pudong, Shanghai. Luigi Ricci, Ricci descendant of the family, currently works as a lecturer at the University of Macerata. Paul Sabbatini, whose family is similar to that of Sabbatino de Ursis, is now the Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Shanghai. Four hundred years ago, in 1606, Ricci and Xu Guangqi translated the first books of Euclid's Elements in Chinese, which were published in 1607. In 1611, Xu Guangqi Sabbatino and translated a work on hydraulics, "The diverse and artificial machines of Captain Agostino Ramelli" which was published under the name of "hydraulic machines of the West.

2007 was the 400th anniversary of the publication in Chinese of Euclid's Elements. Historically, this book has played a very important role in cultural exchanges between China and the Western world, Chinese intellectual world in introducing a whole new mindset. Over two hundred years, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, Euclid's Elements were considered a major work for many students in the study of mathematics and contributed notably to the formation of several generations of scholars.

was convinced by Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi that interest in Western culture could facilitate the conversion of the intellectuals, to be published in Chinese of Euclid's Elements was undoubtedly a milestone worthy of being recorded in history.
For this reason, the Cultural Office of the Xuhui District, in collaboration with Fudan University, Jiaotong University and Xinming Evening News newspaper organized the "International Seminar on Paulus Xu Guangqi, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the publication in Chinese of Euclid's Elements. " Alongside this event was organized a series of round tables devoted to the students of secondary schools and universities and citizenship; parallel had place the inauguration of a monument to Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi.

After completing the program, however, the organizers felt that something was missing. For example, you could find the descendants of these people? Was there a way to invite them to participate in this great event? These ideas really fascinated us, but we knew we made was very difficult. At that point, we invited the first Mignini Prof., Director of the University of Macerata Matteo Ricci, Matteo Ricci and a great scholar of the historical period in which he lived, and an expert world of medieval philosophy with a profound understanding of Chinese culture.

But I never thought that during the preparations of the event would have made such a happy coincidence. On 31 August was held the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Works of excellent young artists in Shanghai" at the Art Gallery of Xuhui District. I was sent to attend the ceremony on behalf of the Cultural Bureau of Xuhui District in lieu of another deputy who had a commitment. At the gallery I met the director of the Museum of Art in Shanghai, Li She, who introduced me to Mr. Yin Rong YR of consulting, came to visit the exhibition with him, who collaborated with the Institute of Culture in Shanghai. Speaking of Italy, the topic of our conversation soon moved on Xu Guangqi, Matteo Ricci and the Elements of Euclid. The Sig.Yin informed me that the Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Shanghai, Dr. Paolo Sabbatini, is an artist and a polyglot with a great passion for cultural exchanges between China and Italy: is also a descendant of the Italian Jesuit Sabbatino de Ursis, and belongs to an historical Italian family. Upon hearing this I became very emotional and asked if it would be possible to arrange a meeting with Dr. Sabbatini next week. Mr. Yin agreed.

We met on September 7. During the discussion, we discovered that Dr. Sabbatini knew that we had organized the workshop, holding a call he said, smiling: "I was sent a letter of invitation that you sent to foreign scholars. It's really wonderful that you are planning such an event: Matteo Ricci and Sabbatino de Ursis were Italians and a Director of the Italian Culture I feel very proud. " He asked if it was possible to be invited to participate in that event, I gave him immediately my word that we would send a letter of invitation. In addition, I proposed to take part also in the preparation of the seminar. When he had confirmation, I asked if there was anything he could do to help. Here we discussed the details of the seminar. I thought that was the right time to ask the Dr. Sabbatini whether he could help us find a descendant of Matteo Ricci. I asked cautiously, because I was aware of the difficulties, quickly added that such an eventuality would have been of particular importance to the commemoration.

Dr. Sabbatini said he knew there un discendente della Famiglia Ricci: Luigi Ricci, docente presso l’Università di Macerata, la città natale di Matteo Ricci. Inoltre, egli si occupa anche d’arte e fotografia. Luigi Ricci e Paolo Sabbatini sono stati buoni amici da sempre, vivono nella stessa regione, le loro case non sono neppure lontane l’ una dall’altra.

Questa eccezionale coincidenza ci riempì di gioia. A quel punto, il Dott. Sabbatini prese il suo telefonino, compose il numero del Prof. Ricci, e lo informò della nostra proposta. Più tardi, quel giorno, ci disse che avrebbe mandato al Prof Ricci un’e-mail con i dettagli di quest’evento, aggiungendo con humour: “Tutto quello che è accaduto in questi giorni, sarebbe sufficiente a riempire un libro!”

Il secondo giorno, il sig. Yin ci chiamò emozionato: “Il Prof. Ricci sarebbe molto felice di partecipare a quest’evento. Il Dott. Sabbatini vi chiede la cortesia di preparare anche la lettera d’invito”. Così inviammo le lettere al Dott. Sabbatini e al Prof. Ricci via e-mail, esprimendo il nostro sincero desiderio di organizzare un incontro speciale per i tre discendenti prima the workshop: a meeting that would embrace the four centuries of history. Prof. Ricci accepted our invitation with pleasure, saying that he felt very honored to participate. We made our appointment in Shanghai, the Pudong airport internazioale.
At 9:40 am on November 6, 2007 the sun was shining. The plane of Prof. Ricci, flight no · AZ790, arrived on time in Shanghai.

On 7 November 2008, at 15, and I accompanied him Fudan University Prof. Li Tiangang Mr. Xu Chengxi the residence of Dr. Paolo Sabbatini at Yuyuan Lu, a three-storey villa. In the morning, Prof. Ricci had already come to the house of his friend. In an instant, when the three pairs of hands clasped, all three of us had tears in his eyes.
Ricci, very excited, said: "Coming to China now realizes a dream of mine. Today is the happiest day of my life! "Later, the three descendants exchanged gifts ceremony, recalling the scene of the three ancestors praised their actions with the respect due to their sacred memory, presented their families today, expressed the hope to extend l’amicizia e di rafforzare gli scambi culturali tra l’Italia e la Cina. Per la commozione, avevamo anche noi tutti le lacrime agli occhi, come se avessimo visto, in un flashback, la scena di Xu Guangqi e Matteo Ricci che traducevano gli Elementi e di Xu Guangqi e Sabbatino De Ursis che traducevano Idraulica Occidentale. Mi venne subito in mente la pittura ad olio Discussione dottrinale tra Xu Guangqi e Matteo Ricci: un momento indimenticabile per tutta la vita!

Il Dott. Sabbatini sospirò con emozione: “Non è solo un incontro fra i nostri tre discendenti, ma anche una testimonianza della lunga history of friendly contacts and cultural exchanges between Italy and China. " Before taking leave, Dr. Sabbatini played the harpsichord one of manicordio Eight Songs for Europe 's turn in the Chinese letter, written by Matteo Ricci gave a harpsichord when the Emperor Wanli in 1601. Commissioned the English missionary Matteo Ricci Diego de Pantoja to teach music in the service of Emperor songs that stir some curiosity, because the Son of Heaven asked the original words and music. The result was that the songs became extremely popular in high society of the capital and Matteo Ricci managed in this way to build up a reputation. Dr. Sabbatini, person di vasta cultura, è un esperto di arti e di musica. Tutti applaudirono dopo un breve momento di raccolto silenzio che seguì il suono del clavicembalo.

Il giorno dopo ci fu l’apertura del “Convegno Internazionale su Xu Guangqi e sul 400° Anniversario della Traduzione e della Pubblicazione degli Elementi”. Quando il Presidente del Convegno presentò il sig. Xu Chengxi, il Prof. Luigi Ricci e il Dott. Paolo Sabbatini, essi si alzarono, si recarono al podio e salutarono con un inchino oltre 100 studiosi ed esperti provenienti da tutta la Cina e da 9 Paesi stranieri.

immediately shone magnesium lamps and a roaring applause. More than 60 Chinese and foreign newspapers and TV advertising to the person they did great.
Then, with great pleasure, I was invited to breakfast at the home of Dr. Sabbatini, with Prof. Li Tiangang Fudan University, the descendant of Xu Guangqi, Xu and his wife Chengxi . Chatting, Dr. Sabbatini proposed to invite the other two descendants to write a book about their ancestors and their families, entitled "Six Hands".

The proposal won the approval of all of us. Mr. Yin Rong asked us if Prof. Li Tianggang and I could write an article on the book. I was afraid of this promise because they are not skilled in writing and I was afraid I was not qualified to write a meaningful article.

In April 2008, Dr. Sabbatini met again, this time in his office. Negotiate how to further strengthen the cooperation, friendship and cultural exchanges between Italy and China and asked if it was possible to twin the Xuhui District of Shanghai with the city of Macerata, in order to continue the cultural exchange started 400 years ago. Dr. Sabbagh agreed with me and proposed the twinning Mignini Professor, Director of the University of Matteo Ricci of the University of Macerata, which gave an immediate, positive response, accepting with enthusiasm. I was delighted. Like fellow countryman Xu Guangxi, is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to promote cultural exchanges, accelerate mutual understanding between the two cultures and strengthening friendship between the two peoples.

Presto, l’argomento della nostra conversazione si spostò al libro che pensavamo di pubblicare. Sfogliai un plico di bozze mostratemi dal Dott. Sabbatini e mi accorsi che aveva già creato la struttura complessiva del libro, anzi, aveva già ultimato la maggioranza di esso.   In quel momento, mi sembrò di non trovare più scuse per rifiutare la proposta. Tornato in ufficio, consultai le note già prese, ordinai il corso degli eventi e scrissi il presente articolo. "