Friday, December 7, 2007

Telecharger Cubefield Pour Itouch


Come accennato nelle Flash News del buon Jack, è stata finalmente trovata la causa del black out informatico che ha coinvolto l'aula studenti: un topo è stato trovato annidato nelle canaline dei cavi di rete, dove si era divertito a masticare qua e là i cat 5 della Ethernet. Sembra che lo Steffè has photographed the find, I will have pictures to post them here on the blog.

A temporary link road has given us the network and allowed me to update you with this post. On behalf of drivers then declared that the clients of the classroom students are re-useable, and you can return to play Clanbomber, Frozen Bubble, Tetris. who had other witnesses are asked to share with everyone in the comments:)

conclude with a small personal note: I would like to openly thank Pisa because it gives these moments. I'm sure in a few cities around the world remember stories like this. We should call Disney, would be happy to make a cartoon. Retetouille, so could name it after.

Edit: Photos of the cable and chewed the den:


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