Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How To Get My Tv To Work As A Monitor

Call to Arms

Hello everyone, now that we have this new tool, wonder of technology to communicate, it seems obligatory to point out the serious failings on the part of users of the classroom students. It is good that someone from time to time, raise your voice and put in those row which, not for evil, have the habit to shrug off the frequent lack of respect towards other students, most often elderly, who are at risk to become a 'practice'. however, take some responsibility on their shoulders is not simple nor easy, although for some, but not malice, it seems. It seems therefore essential to 'best of a bad job' and publicly scold some harassment. Of course, judging has to be judged as a result e infatti siamo i primi a metterSi in discussione, severamente sebbene opportunamente. Ordunque, sperando che cio` serva da lezione e nondimeno da 'guida', affinche` non si verifichino piu` delle incresciose e puerili diatribe, gia` frequentemente verificatesi in tale codesto tal luogo, confidiamo nella buona coscienza d'ognuno, perche` il buon Dio ci ha creati uguali.

Intelligenti Pauca
P.S. Speriamo di non dover piu` intervenire, come gia` successo per gli sgradevoli, a volte fin troppo ignavi, post precedenti.


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