Sunday, December 9, 2007

Osmosis Experiments Carolina

Dear Colleagues ,
after thinking hard I am forced, and despite my chagrin, not only to declare martial law (already 'announced dall'egregio Commander Salvetti), but also to draw attention to the deplorable educational approach taken by several thugs belonging to the staff (Lazzeri and the scaffold for the 'already' ready, but Pustetto excuse 'for the good of all, I too am suffering a lot, oh ...).
to happen fast, and then finally enclosing; attach here, a mandatory provision of all, the new teaching tool imposed on us, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Ministry:
end of the release. England Prevails

The Pig You 'Ma'
Fried Fish and Baccala ' Altolia' Chivala '? Freeze or I'll shoot Cha-Cha-Cha! -hailing Mr _, _ ceghevara ITS ollrait

P.S. Vorrei un minuto di silenzio per i nostri soldati che hanno perso la vita combattendo per stanare il roditore, anche se invano; e' grazie a questo intervento pronto (e non viceversa) che il Ministero ha avuto pieta' e ci ha dato GRATUITAMENTE in dono i nuovi supporti per l'apprendimento
P.P.S. ma invano tutt'attaccato?


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