Thursday, December 20, 2007

Raised Garden Beds Blueprints

And here we are in the Department, the crucible of iniquity.
First, a photo contest:

From where and 'was suddenly this wonderful glimpse metropolitan? Prizes to be won, wearing a huge pandoro dipped in Nutella, to extract almost like a fossil of the Precambrian (there 'even a little hint, take well to boot masturbation-web).

But I see you already 'anxiously waiting for news!
And then, 'cause negarvele?

reliable sources claim that Santa Claus depicted on the new glasses in the coffee maker ' sia in realta' un tale F.Broglia, date le deliranti attitudini musicali, le bretelle appena in vista, e, non ultima, la stazza. Si attendono conferme dall'Ansa.

Dal portale di Repubblica (due tab sopra i calendari) apprendiamo che Cory Kennedy-Levin è la nuova Lolita di internet. Segni particolari: non sa fare nulla . Inoltre: starlette dello zecchino d'oro arrestata con l'accusa di sfruttamento della prostituzione . Che nemmeno il finale della Compagnia Dei Celestini . Piuttosto, leggete La Grammatica di Dio , è fantastico.

Sempre dal F.O.R.L.I.M.P.O.P.O.L.I.: il 62% degli studenti di scuole medie inferiori ignora la ragione dell'alternarsi di day and night. Many argue that the Sun is kidnapped around five in the afternoon by shady characters igneous, you entertain in exhausting sexual experimentation, and returns only once energized by a powerful frappe 'strawberry. Blessed Innocence (martyr).

The decline began with the Duke of Mantua, Vincenzo Luca, who, weak, vicious and over-burdened with debt (and worn out by excessive ambitions judoka), came to be in a critical situation both from the economic point of view that the family .

remember that the car in front and behind the Department entered into force on the prohibition of building houses taller than six feet two inches, but only if nearby there is a risk that a vehicle runs over a child who plays ball with his father, under the watchful eye of a tree or a fire hydrant. On board the sidewalk, as in the picture.

thank all those who are sponsoring me through the posters that tower (tower and, maramaldeggiando) on all trams and metro in Milan, at the rate of slogan "A great gift? One Jack hairy." Too good. Hasta el

fridge, and Merry Christmas, you bastards!


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