Friday, December 21, 2007

Maijuana Use And Esophagitis

Thanks Santa! News Flash

What better Christmas present of this ?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Raised Garden Beds Blueprints

And here we are in the Department, the crucible of iniquity.
First, a photo contest:

From where and 'was suddenly this wonderful glimpse metropolitan? Prizes to be won, wearing a huge pandoro dipped in Nutella, to extract almost like a fossil of the Precambrian (there 'even a little hint, take well to boot masturbation-web).

But I see you already 'anxiously waiting for news!
And then, 'cause negarvele?

reliable sources claim that Santa Claus depicted on the new glasses in the coffee maker ' sia in realta' un tale F.Broglia, date le deliranti attitudini musicali, le bretelle appena in vista, e, non ultima, la stazza. Si attendono conferme dall'Ansa.

Dal portale di Repubblica (due tab sopra i calendari) apprendiamo che Cory Kennedy-Levin è la nuova Lolita di internet. Segni particolari: non sa fare nulla . Inoltre: starlette dello zecchino d'oro arrestata con l'accusa di sfruttamento della prostituzione . Che nemmeno il finale della Compagnia Dei Celestini . Piuttosto, leggete La Grammatica di Dio , è fantastico.

Sempre dal F.O.R.L.I.M.P.O.P.O.L.I.: il 62% degli studenti di scuole medie inferiori ignora la ragione dell'alternarsi di day and night. Many argue that the Sun is kidnapped around five in the afternoon by shady characters igneous, you entertain in exhausting sexual experimentation, and returns only once energized by a powerful frappe 'strawberry. Blessed Innocence (martyr).

The decline began with the Duke of Mantua, Vincenzo Luca, who, weak, vicious and over-burdened with debt (and worn out by excessive ambitions judoka), came to be in a critical situation both from the economic point of view that the family .

remember that the car in front and behind the Department entered into force on the prohibition of building houses taller than six feet two inches, but only if nearby there is a risk that a vehicle runs over a child who plays ball with his father, under the watchful eye of a tree or a fire hydrant. On board the sidewalk, as in the picture.

thank all those who are sponsoring me through the posters that tower (tower and, maramaldeggiando) on all trams and metro in Milan, at the rate of slogan "A great gift? One Jack hairy." Too good. Hasta el

fridge, and Merry Christmas, you bastards!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Binoculars Rangefinder 2010

Problem, Part II

Hello, unfortunately it seems that despite a commendable effort to Jack no one has solved my little problem ...
Too bad, too bad really, it would be nice if some of you had solved this problem, which still is called conjecture Ilieff-Sendov.

Anyways, 'this is a matter of consolation: the age of
Alberto is one and a half the age of Barbara, which has half the age of Charles. The sum of the age of Albert, Barbara and Charles is 63. How old is Albert?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Age Of Empire 2 2.0a Gamecopyworld

Berlusconi announces the birth of the public part of the Little People, friends Pippy. Set up self-celebrating banquets all over Italy for tasting bread, pasta, pizza and potatoes.

The big blockbuster movie "Three Caffe 'And A Purge" concludes with the successful evacuation of the Department of Mathematics. Sollazzo e giubilo delle autorita', Giuseppe Puglisi in primis, sottolineano il successo per pubblico e critica. Secondo indiscrezioni il regista terrebbe in serbo " un seguito col botto ".

Secondo i rapporti P.I.S.A. e F.O.R.L.I.M.P.O.P.O.L.I. gli studenti italiani hanno prestazioni assai deludenti in ambito matematico, sebbene la qualita' delle facolta' scientifiche si mantenga ad un livello competitivo. Grande insoddisfazione da parte dei docenti, che, a classi svuotate, si vedono costretti a traferirsi alle Bahamas per studiare la fabbricazione dei kayak con foglie di banano da parte dei nativi.

La colonia di topi in PHC ha appena finito di pagare il mutuo.

Arrestato piromane reo di aver appiccato Fire in classroom P using kerosene and liquid propane - I had a cold booia - and 'was his only statement. Trapped in the resulting blaze, two separate and well-dressed people survived only thanks to an atrocious death emergency Alberti - came the following week at the back of his white steed CristoRedentore - forgive me, I thought you were INDAM - were his first words of comfort to the unfortunate.

for today 's all. Hasta el frio.
PS: I just learned that today marks the birthday of Nero. How very appropriate.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Can Valerium Cause Nightmares

News Flash Problem!

Hello, who feels if you try to solve this little problem, which should not be too difficult: Both

P (z) a complex polynomial with all roots of absolute value less than or equal to 1 . Prove that for every root z 0 there is a point z which cancels the derivative P '(z) such that share with everyone: '( (sorry if I umberto drastically lowered the level of culture after your last post)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lc-51 Brother Ink Trick

but why oh my god '... A Post

To arms then, "And because a battle is fought on more than' it would open at least two fronts: semi-serious, as Mr. John cDonalds or cCallister is already 'to worry about managing the other section. Terence Inspired by the now colleague, one who has learned something in this area, would open the section of open problems and conjectures: first to solve bisognera' inquiries a bit 'more' what are these damn much speculation that interest you. The appointment and 'weekly and this week our correspondent from Moscow Mircea Petrache we will talk about' his meeting with nonricordobeneilnome and the even more 'pleasant meeting with the Poincaré conjecture' (the left and 'warmly invited to send your article and write up here). I was about to publish a post, then I thought, uh, maybe I meant a post, and so ', reminds me of something ... A summary from a visit to the newborn museum graphics and a reinterpretation of godelescherbach.
An intelligent and enthusiastic art critic named Argan tortured to be able to convince the social role of art in the age of lithography: thanks to the merge could reach so many, was to transport ideas, recognized as the means and translator of all the new ideas began to circulate that it sheds. Now the computer has raised process to the extreme, making it almost meaningless the idea of \u200b\u200ba certain limited number of copies in the visible. But his role on the transport of ideas from a world that few understand the sensitivity 'policy, fails even to understand the medium they use. Apart
Escher and fractals, which are but 'otherwise, the sensitivity' town has learned the art very few things on the machines that generate most of the drawings and other art forms that surround us. Imagine a table divided into two parts which are not recursively enumerable sets: not knowing how to decide the membership of one or the other set would not be colorable. And who knows' that it would stain out. Or would it be a drawing canvas: By its very existence would turn the hearts and imagination of each artist. (Maybe that would stop collecting tampons to make lamps).

Munari. Peano Curve 1977

(Post and 'challenging course for those who consider such topics related to low mathematics that go to that, or rather who write on blogs, torrents of words)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Osmosis Experiments Carolina

Dear Colleagues ,
after thinking hard I am forced, and despite my chagrin, not only to declare martial law (already 'announced dall'egregio Commander Salvetti), but also to draw attention to the deplorable educational approach taken by several thugs belonging to the staff (Lazzeri and the scaffold for the 'already' ready, but Pustetto excuse 'for the good of all, I too am suffering a lot, oh ...).
to happen fast, and then finally enclosing; attach here, a mandatory provision of all, the new teaching tool imposed on us, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Ministry:
end of the release. England Prevails

The Pig You 'Ma'
Fried Fish and Baccala ' Altolia' Chivala '? Freeze or I'll shoot Cha-Cha-Cha! -hailing Mr _, _ ceghevara ITS ollrait

P.S. Vorrei un minuto di silenzio per i nostri soldati che hanno perso la vita combattendo per stanare il roditore, anche se invano; e' grazie a questo intervento pronto (e non viceversa) che il Ministero ha avuto pieta' e ci ha dato GRATUITAMENTE in dono i nuovi supporti per l'apprendimento
P.P.S. ma invano tutt'attaccato?

Saturday, December 8, 2007

How To Do Whippets -dog

New Media for Learning

Secondo me ha già fatto la fine del topo.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Telecharger Cubefield Pour Itouch


Come accennato nelle Flash News del buon Jack, è stata finalmente trovata la causa del black out informatico che ha coinvolto l'aula studenti: un topo è stato trovato annidato nelle canaline dei cavi di rete, dove si era divertito a masticare qua e là i cat 5 della Ethernet. Sembra che lo Steffè has photographed the find, I will have pictures to post them here on the blog.

A temporary link road has given us the network and allowed me to update you with this post. On behalf of drivers then declared that the clients of the classroom students are re-useable, and you can return to play Clanbomber, Frozen Bubble, Tetris. who had other witnesses are asked to share with everyone in the comments:)

conclude with a small personal note: I would like to openly thank Pisa because it gives these moments. I'm sure in a few cities around the world remember stories like this. We should call Disney, would be happy to make a cartoon. Retetouille, so could name it after.

Edit: Photos of the cable and chewed the den:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pierced Bottomless Flasher Women

There is a mouse in the computer room, and not an one

the House students, strong suspicions fall on a group of young musk and sharp teeth - Apicella quashed the proposal to bring the voltage on the cable network to 400 volts to fry on the spot potential saboteurs.

a dangerous burglar arrested near the Central Station, made use of elaborate camouflage techniques (see picture).

E 'was issued the second edition of Tequila Death Match - to the honor and glory of the good old days - samples leavers are asked to contact the undersigned (the burglar or above) for the organizational details - remember that Gin and Martini are banned - and Cointreau recommended.

intercepted a regular correspondence through the network of DM, for the record is a short exchange:
"Hello. Pieds84 I am, I've contacted a few days ago ... I'm in Pisa, slave interested in bondage, cbt, spanking , feet, and more ... You have an interesting profile. I send you my picture. "Please send me your ... See you soon!;)" - "Thanks

photos and response. Attached are two photos mine. As you read from my profile, I am very interested in bondage in particular. I like to wire the other in different ways, cbt, possibly wrap and / or gag. They are also attracted by the spanking and feet, I'd be happy to look into. I had the opportunity to meet some of my own age for this type of game and I must say I'm really nice. "gesture dell'insano The authors are asked to manifest itself through the public authorities.
Thank you for your attention, it's all for today.

Tubal Ligation And Early Menopause

USB Flash News

Dear users of the classroom students, colleagues, friends, original intention This post was proclaimed a manifesto, which guide us in the task of writing it. But during the writing I realized that I'm not the classroom students, John C. is not the classroom students. You are
the classroom students.
And if anarchy has brought the same order in the classroom, can bring in this blog. I ask you to make a choice, and decide whether to be mere passive users of this blog, or help us make it great. In expressing if you have won the shyness, and opted for the latter, please contact me, and will be sold and the keys to the blog.
I wait, Giuseppe

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How To Get My Tv To Work As A Monitor

Call to Arms

Hello everyone, now that we have this new tool, wonder of technology to communicate, it seems obligatory to point out the serious failings on the part of users of the classroom students. It is good that someone from time to time, raise your voice and put in those row which, not for evil, have the habit to shrug off the frequent lack of respect towards other students, most often elderly, who are at risk to become a 'practice'. however, take some responsibility on their shoulders is not simple nor easy, although for some, but not malice, it seems. It seems therefore essential to 'best of a bad job' and publicly scold some harassment. Of course, judging has to be judged as a result e infatti siamo i primi a metterSi in discussione, severamente sebbene opportunamente. Ordunque, sperando che cio` serva da lezione e nondimeno da 'guida', affinche` non si verifichino piu` delle incresciose e puerili diatribe, gia` frequentemente verificatesi in tale codesto tal luogo, confidiamo nella buona coscienza d'ognuno, perche` il buon Dio ci ha creati uguali.

Intelligenti Pauca
P.S. Speriamo di non dover piu` intervenire, come gia` successo per gli sgradevoli, a volte fin troppo ignavi, post precedenti.