Sunday, December 12, 2010

Deep Kapoor Astrologer

History of trips to China by Matteo Ricci

Book published by: Shanghai Museum, Beijing , 2010, pp. 235


ZHU Weizheng
Matteo Ricci in China, pp. 1-55

The native, pp. 57-97

Eleonora EMILIA
The measurement of the Sun, pp. 98-115

Zou Zhenhuan
The Globe, pp. 116-151

FAN Shuzhi
The Heavenly Dynasty, pp. 153-171

LI Tiangang
The way of evangelization, pp. 172-205

LI Tiangang
Dialogues, pp. 206-229

History, p. 231

CHEN Xiejun
Postfazione, pp. 234-235

Alcune foto:

Gerardo Mercatori, mappamondo, 1551.

Rinfrescatoio with grotesque and Judgement of Paris, the sixteenth century.

couple of astrolabes.

map of the ancient world, Matteo Ricci, 1603

Gerardo Mercatori, Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura.

Fontana da tavola con "Bacco su una botte e due puttini", XVI sec.

Hieronimo Nadali, Euangelicae historiae imagines ex ordine euangeliorum, quae toto anno in missae sacrificio, 1593.

Pino Cazzaniga, clavichord, 1981.

inkwell holder and card holder with "lions' heads crowned by angels ", XIV sec.

View of Macerata, the eighteenth century.


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