Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bimetallic Strip Aluminum Steel

SHANGHAI: Art Exhibit Contemporary 2x014: Italian and Chinese Artists in comparison ".

The IIC Shanghai and 'pleased to announce the exhibition of Contemporary Art "2x014: Artists Italian and Chinese compared ", edited by Institute Garuzzo Visual Arts (IGAV) IIC and Shanghai, which will be ' Saturday' on December 11 next, at 15:00 , at the Shanghai International Art Center in Qing Pu.
Italian Artists: Roberto Almagno, Dominic Borrelli, Nicola Bolla, Filippo Centenarians; Stefania Fabrizi, Omar Galliani, Elisa Montessori, Alessandro Papetti, Oliviero Rainaldi, Francesco Tabusso; Stoisa Louis, Saverio Todaro, Nicola Toffolini; Luisa Valentini.
Chinese Artists: Gong Jixian; Wenhao Chen, You Li, Yu Zhongbao; Du Xiaoou; Renyi Gao, Xiaoli Xie, Yin Zhong; An Qilin, Zheng Zhong; Yin Rong, Yang you; Yongqun Chen, Bing Leng Chuan.
free shuttle bus at 13.30 in front of "The Center", 989, Changle Road (Changshu Road), Shanghai.
Date and Time: December 11, 2010, 15:00
Location: Gan Bei Shan, Shanghai International Art Center, 222, Ye Hui Road, Zhao Xiang Villa Area, Qing Pu District, Shanghai - 上海 北竿 山 国际 艺术 中心, 青浦 区 业 辉 路, 222 弄.
Free Entry.


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