Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bmi Metropolitan Life

SHANGHAI: Festival "From Venice to Shanghai. The great film "- part two -.

The IIC Shanghai is pleased to announce the second part of Festival "From Venice to Shanghai. The great film. " , organized in collaboration with IIC Beijing, in the presence of directors Marco Muller and Saverio Costanzo, and actress Alba Rohrwacher.
- Sunday, December 19 next, at 18:30, at the Campus Up -Italian University 'Tongji;
- Monday ' pv December 20, 18:30 at the Auditorium of the Accademia del Teatro.
I film verranno proiettati in lingua italiana con sottotitoli in lingua cinese.

Data, Orario e Luogo:
domenica 19 dicembre 2010, ore 18.30
1F, Yifang, Tongji University, 1239, Siping Road, Tongji University, Shanghai - Shanghai Siping Road, 1239 number, Tongji University, 1st floor.

lunedi '20 dicembre 2010, ore 18.30
Auditorium, Room 209, "Red Palace", 630, Huashan Road, Shanghai - Shanghai Theater Academy, No. 630 Huashan Road, Red House, 209 amphitheater

Ingresso Libero.


Regia: Saverio Costanzo
Cast: Alba Rohrwacher, Luca Marinelli, Martina Albano
Drama, 118 '- Italy, France, Germany, 2010

Prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves. These numbers are lonely and incomprehensible to others.
Alice and Matt are both "First", both haunted by the tragedies that have marked them in childhood: a skiing accident for Alice, which has caused a defect in the leg, the loss of her twin sister for Matthew. When, as teenagers, they meet in the corridors of school, they recognize their pain in each other.
Growing up, their fates are intertwined in a special friendship, until Matt, graduated in physics, has not decided to accept a job abroad. The two are separated for many years and will be joined by a sequence of events, to bring to the surface a lot of emotions and never confessed to force Alice and Mattia to address the question of their lives: two prime numbers can never find a way to be together?
THE SOLITUDE OF PRIME NUMBERS is a moving meditation on loneliness, love and consequences of childhood.

Saverio Costanzo
Born in Rome in 1975. After graduating in Sociology of Communication, he moved to New York where he produced a documentary in installments over the Internet on daily life Coffee Milleluci public space in Brooklyn. In 2000 he wrote, filmed, directed and assemble the docu-drama "Red Room", set in the emergency resuscitation of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome, winning a special mention of the criticism of the international festival in Turin. A "Private", his first feature film (Golden Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival), says "In Memory of Me" premiered in competition at the Berlinale 2007. "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" is his third feature film.

ALBA Rohrwacher
Actress of the most interessanti del panorama cinematografico italiano, fin da piccola si dedica al teatro, frequenta i corsi dell'Accademia dei Piccoli di Firenze e poi, dopo il diploma, decide di trasferirsi a Roma per iscriversi al Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. Inizia così il suo percorso da professionista nel mondo della recitazione, prima a teatro, poi in televisione. L'esordio al cinema avviene nel 2004 con L'amore ritrovato di Carlo Mazzacurati. Il 2007 è per lei un anno molto proficuo dove l'attrice dimostra grandi capacità di adattamento, seppur prediligendo il genere drammatico a quello comico. Nel 2008 riceve il suo primo David di Donatello. Ormai consacrato volto del cinema italiano, viene scritturata come protagonista da alcuni dei più conosciuti Italian directors.

Since 2004 Director of the Cinema for the Venice Biennale and the Venice International 'Film Festival, Marco Muller was born in Rome in 1953.
After two years of specialization and a doctorate was in China, began a research and teaching in Italy until 1980, while confirming his profile of "manufacturer's festival."
After working with various European festivals (1979 to 1995 is a consultant for the Venice Film Festival for the Chinese and Asian cinema), created and directed in 1982 the first major festival in Turin, the Piedmontese capital, Electric Shadows The first and most complete historical retrospective of Chinese cinema ever staged in Europe. You then director of the International Film Festival (Festival of Pesaro) from 1982 to 1989, the Rotterdam Film Festival between 1989 and 1991, and finally to Locarno - until the 2000 edition.
Invent some important foundations of support for Asian cinema and South mondo, lo Huub Bals Fund (nei Paesi Bassi), la Fondazione Montecinemaverità (in Svizzera), la Fondazione Cinema Sud-Est (in Italia). Suscita la nascita di Fabbrica Cinema, struttura che dirige all’interno di Fabbrica, il Centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione del Gruppo Benetton, dove si occupa della formazione di nuovi cineasti e videasti e produce film che vincono un Oscar (per il miglior film straniero) e otto premi importanti alla Mostra di Venezia e ai Festival di Cannes e Berlino.
Ha scritto numerosi libri e saggi sul cinema cinese e asiatico, è Professore ordinario di Production Design alla Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università della Svizzera italiana. For his contribution to the discovery and dissemination of filmmakers and film has won numerous awards in Italy, Switzerland, France, Russia and Japan.


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