Friday, December 31, 2010

Private Pop Fountain Price


image: Scannella & Horner, 2010

Dear Friends of 'APPI, 2010 if it is going to go.
A year full of dreams, joys, and study efforts fortunately well rewarded, but most of all friendship is about to fly away ... to give way to another year that we hope even more surprises in store for the previous year.
to wish you a happy last day of the dawn of the new and improved, inspired by a post by Brian Switek on Dinosaur tracking , do a quick overview of the major discoveries in the field of dinosaur paleontology :

The controversial issue of the evolutionary origins of the dinosaurs is enhanced by some important pieces: traces found in Poland, 249 million years old, belonging to animal related evolutionarily with the dinosaurs, seem to indicate relative diversity of the group already at that time. The reclassification of Azhendosaurus (from prosauropods to archosauromorfo) and the description of dinosauromorfo Asilisaurus .

Among the theropod dinosaurs: Concavenator , the English allosauroide well preserved, with bone sull'ulna similar processes, according to some, to those observed in the forearms of other theropods (like Velociraptor and Meleagris , the Common turkey).
Austrocheirus , abelisauroide the baseline that has a functional hand and not atrophic as members of the most derived clade.
Haplocheirus , one of the most sensational taxon described this year, a baseline alvarezsauro showing us what was the ancestral morphology of the dawn of evolutionary radiation and celurosauria Zuolong , celurosauro a baseline (this area of \u200b\u200btheropods, still full of mysteries). Linheraptor , a specimen of Velociraptor dromeosauro similar to well-preserved, from Mongolia.
Balaur , the Romanian dromeosauro with two hooked claws on the foot and Quipanlong , a Chinese ornitomimosauro the late Cretaceous. The redescription of
Juravenator , a "compsognathide which preserves traces of scales on the underside of the tail and protofeathers on top. The controversial analysis
the teeth of Sinornithosaurus , according to some paleontologists grooves associated with channels such as the poison in some snakes.
Bistahieversor , a large new Tyrannosaur from the Cretaceous of New Mexico.
tests for evidence of cannibalism in Tyrannosaurus , and traces of nutrition of the carcass of a hadrosaur from Tarbosaurus . The review of the epidemiology of caudifemorale Tyrannosaurus : a large Séderon for an extra boost to the hind legs of this giant tyrannosaurid.

But this year was the year of ceratopsi, with many taxa described
horned dinosaurs: Diabloceratops , Koreaceratops, Zhuchengceratops, Utahceratops, Kosmoceratops, Sinoceratops, Ajkaceratops, Titanoceratops . Particolare rilevanza merita lo studio di Scannella e Horner sulla questione Torosaurus/Triceratops (di più avanti).

Fra gli ornitopodi spicca Koreanosaurus , e le relative speculazioni sulle abitudini fossorie di questo taxon.

Nel versante tireoforo: la scoperta di tessuti molli di Stegosaurus , i nuovi studi sulla diversità di questo taxon e sulla postura di questi animali.

Fra i sauropodi: Abydosaurus , Sarhasaurus , Seitaad per non parlare dei titanosauri gondwaniani (e non solo) che sembrano spuntare come funghi : Di un certo rilievo anche la descrizione di nidiate dall'Argentina associati a segni di attività idrotermale (prove di un comportamento specifico di nidificazione?) e di un serpente dal Cretaceo superiore dell'India avvolto intorno ai resti di uova di sauropode (che il serpente mesozoico sia morto mentre banchettava con omelette di sauropodi?).

I dinosauri colorati! Ebbene si, un nuovo metodo di analisi microscopica adesso ci permette di identificare alcuni colori del piumaggio dei dinosauri che conservano queste strutture nei fossili, da Sinosauropteryx ad Anchiornis ...*

Un elogio particolare lo meritano sicuramente i "nostri" Lukas Panzarin, Andrea Cau and Federico Fanti, their description of the cone ornithopodi Iguanocolossus and Hippodraco , and metriorinchide (a crocodile Aquatic Mesozoic) Neptunidraco !

Personally, this day of the year-end if it goes with many reflections on past events, and a host of resolutions, doubts and hopes about what will come.
Scientifically, the question aforementioned Torosaurus / Triceratops represents a conceptual revolution in the field of paleobiology of dinosaurs. I am not saying that the study of Scannella & Horner must be upheld at face value a priori, but no doubt was an earthquake that affects non solo lo studio della sistematica dei ceratopsi. La questione ha messo in risalto delle ferite nel metodo paleontologico( alcune intrinsecamente radicate nell'ambito metodologico della disciplina e quindi di difficile se non impossibile soluzione) ma che aprono scenari interessanti di approfondimento nella conoscenza della (paleo-)biologia di queste forme di vita estinte. Dallo studio dell'ecologia delle popolazioni all'ontogenesi, al discernimento tassonomico interspecifico, questi scenari non possono che eccitare una giovane mente come la mia, vogliosa di immergersi in aree così oscure della scienza ma nondimeno dignitose di un approfondimento. Propositi ambiziosi, è vero, ma comunque degni di essere perpetrati, meglio ancora se insieme ad una famiglia enthusiastic, friendly and dynamic as the JPA.


PS: May the words of our Honorary Chairman are of suggestion and stimulus for each of the dreamers who will read this post;)

* In the list of taxa discovered / described this' I will have failed several years (from Tonganosaurus aa Xixiposaurus from Atsinganosaurus to Kukufeldi to, from a. .. Xixianykus NMVP186046, but this was a quick resconto, if you want to add names to the list, as always, you're welcome;)


Jeffrey A. Wilson, Dhananjay M. Mohabey, Shanan E. Peters, Jason J. Head (2010). Predation upon Hatchling Dinosaurs by a New Snake
from the Late Cretaceous of India PLoS Biology, 8 (3) : 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000322

Gerald Grellet-Tinner & Lucas E. Fiorelli (2010). A new Argentinean nesting site showing neosauropod dinosaur reproduction in a Cretaceous hydrothermal environment. Nature Communications, 1-8 : 10.1038/ncomms1031

Senter, P. (2010). Evidence for a Sauropod-Like Metacarpal Configuration in Stegosaurian Dinosaurs Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55 (3), 427-432 DOI: 10.4202/app.2009.1105

Carpenter, K. (2010). Species concept in North American stegosaurs Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 103 (2), 155-162 DOI: 10.1007/s00015-010-0020-6

XING XU, JONAH CHOINIERE, MICHAEL PITTMAN, QINGWEI TAN, DONG XIAO,, & ZHIQUAN LI, LIN TAN, JAMES M. CLARK, MARK A. NORELL, DAVID W. E. HONE, CORWIN SULLIVAN (2010). A new dromaeosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Wulansuhai Formation of Inner Mongolia, China Zootaxa, 1-9

Nesbitt, S., Sidor, C., Irmis, R., Angielczyk, K., Smith, R., & Tsuji, L. (2010). Ecologically distinct dinosaurian sister group shows early diversification of Ornithodira Nature, 464 (7285), 95-98 DOI: 10.1038/nature08718

Stephen L. Brusatte, Grzegorz Niedz´wiedzki, and, & Richard J. Butler (2010). Footprints pull origin and diversification of dinosaur stem-lineage deep into Early Triassic Proceedings of the Royal Society B : 10.1098/rspb.2010.1746

FLYNN, J., NESBITT, S., MICHAEL PARRISH, J., RANIVOHARIMANANA, L., & WYSS, A. (2010). A new species of Azendohsaurus (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the Triassic Isalo Group of southwestern Madagascar: cranium and mandible Palaeontology, 53 (3), 669-688 DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2010.00954.x

Nicholas R. Longrich (2011). "Titanoceratops ouranous, a giant horned dinosaur from the Late Campanian of New Mexico". Cretaceous Research in press. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2010.12.007

Li, K.Yang, C.Y., Liu, J. & Wang, Z-X. (2010) A new sauropod from the Lower Jurassic of Huili, Sichuan, China. Vertebrate Palasiatica 7 pp185-202

Guan, G-T. (2010) A new prosauropod dinosaur from Lower Jurassic in Lufeng of Yunnan. Global Geology 29(1) 6-15

Garcia, G., Amico, S., Fournier, F., Thouand, E. & Valentin, X. (2010) A new Titanosaur genus (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous
of southern France and its paleobiogeographic implications. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2010, t. 181, no 3, pp. 269-277

McDonald, A.T., Barrett, P.M., and Chapman, S.D. 2010. A new basal iguanodont (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Wealden (Lower Cretaceous) of England. Zootaxa 2569:1-43

Flynn, J.J., nesbitt, S.J., parrish, J.M., Ranivoharimanana, L. & Wyss, A.R. (2010) A new species of Azendohsaurus (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the Triassic isalo Group of Southwestern Madagascar: cranium and mandible) [Palaeontology, Vol. 53, Part 3, 2010, pp. 669–688

Ortega, F., Escaso, F., & Sanz, J. (2010). A bizarre, humped Carcharodontosauria (Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain Nature, 467 (7312), 203-206 DOI: 10.1038/nature09181

Csiki, Z., Vremir, M., Brusatte, S., & Norell, M. (2010). From the Cover: On-dwelling theropod dinosaur aberrant Iceland from the Late Cretaceous of Romania Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 (35), 15357-15361 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1006970107

Chiappe, L., & Göhlich, U. (2010). Anatomy of Juravenator starki (Theropoda: Coelurosauria) from the Late Jurassic of Germany European Journal of Geology and Paleontology - treatises, 258 (3), 257-296 DOI: 10.1127/0077-7749/2010/0125

Thomas D. Carr, Thomas E. Williamson (2010). Bistahieversor sealeyi, gen et sp. nov., a new tyrannosauroid from New
Mexico and the origin of deep snouts in Tyrannosauroidea Journal of Verterbrate Paleontology, 30 (1), 1-16 : 10.1080/02724630903413032

Longrich, N., Horner, J., Erickson, G., & Currie, P. (2010). Cannibalism in Tyrannosaurus rex PLoS ONE, 5 (10) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013419

Hone, D., & Watabe, M. (2010). New information on scavenging and selective feeding behaviour of tyrannosaurs Acta Palaeontologica Polonica DOI: 10.4202/app.2009.0133

Persons, W., & Currie, P. (2010). The Tail of Tyrannosaurus: Reassessing the Size and Locomotive Importance of the M. caudofemoralis in Non-Avian Theropods The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology DOI: 10.1002/ar.21290

Scannella, J., & Horner, J. (2010). Torosaurus Marsh, 1891, is Triceratops Marsh, 1889 (Ceratopsidae: Chasmosaurinae): synonymy through ontogeny Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30 (4), 1157-1168 DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2010.483632

Lee, Y., Ryan, M., & Kobayashi, Y. (2010). The first ceratopsian dinosaur from South Korea Naturwissenschaften DOI: 10.1007/s00114-010-0739-y

Xu, X., Wang, K., Zhao, X., Sullivan, C., & Chen, S. (2010). A New Leptoceratopsid (Ornithischia: Ceratopsia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Shandong, China and Its Implications for Neoceratopsian Evolution PLoS ONE, 5 (11) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013835

Sampson, S., Loewen, M., Farke, A., Roberts, E., Forster, C., Smith, J., & Titus, A. (2010). New Horned Dinosaurs from Utah Provide Evidence for Intracontinental Dinosaur Endemism PLoS ONE, 5 (9) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012292

XU Xing, WANG KeBai, ZHAO XiJin & LI DunJing (2010). First ceratopsid dinosaur from China and its biogeographical
implications Chinese Science Bulletin, 55 (16), 1631-1635 DOI: 10.1007/s11434-009-3614-5

Ősi, A., Butler, R., & Weishampel, D. (2010). A Late Cretaceous ceratopsian dinosaur from Europe with Asian affinities Nature, 465 (7297), 466-468 DOI: 10.1038/nature09019

Christiansen, N., & Tschopp, E. (2010). Exceptional stegosaur integument impressions from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Wyoming Swiss Journal of Geosciences DOI: 10.1007/s00015-010-0026-0

Timothy B. Rowe, Hans-Dieter Sues, and Robert R. Reisz (2010). Dispersal and diversity in the earliest North American sauropodomorph dinosaurs, with a description of a new taxon Proceedings of the Royal Society B : 10.1098/rspb.2010.1867

Joseph J. W. Sertich, Mark A. Loewen (2010). A New Basal Sauropodomorph Dinosaur from the Lower
Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of Southern Utah PLoS One, 5 (3) : 10.1371/journal.pone.0009789

Cau, A., Fanti, F. 2010. The oldest known metriorhynchid crocodylian from the Middle Jurassic of North-eastern Italy: Neptunidraco ammoniticus gen. et sp. nov., Gondwana Research . doi:10.1016/

McDonald AT, Kirkland JI, DeBlieux DD, Madsen SK, Cavin J, Milner ARC & Panzarin L (2010) New Basal Iguanodonts from the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and the Evolution of Thumb-Spiked Dinosaurs. PLoS ONE 5(11): e14075. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014075

Kirkland, J.I. & DeBlieux, D.D., 2010, "New basal centrosaurine ceratopsian skulls from the Wahweap Formation (Middle Campanian), Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, southern Utah", In: Ryan, M.J., Chinnery-Allgeier, B.J., and Eberth, D.A. (eds.) New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum Ceratopsian Symposium, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, p. 117-140

Choiniere, J.N., Xu, X., Clark, J.M., Forster, C.A., Guo, Y. & Han, F. (2010) A Basal Alvarezsauroid Theropod from the Early Late Jurassic of Xinjiang, China Science Vol. 327 571-573

Chure, D., Britt, B.B., Whitlock, J.A. & Wilson, J.A. (2010) First complete sauropod dinosaur skull from the Cretaceousof the Americas and the evolution of sauropod dentition. Naturwissenschaften DOI 10.1007/s00114-010-0650-6

Zhang, F., Kearns, S.L., Orr, P.J., Benton, M.J. Zhou, Z., Jonhson, D., Xu, X. & Wang, X. (2010) Fossilized melanosomes and the colour of Cretaceous dinosaurs and birds Nature advance online publication 27 January 2010 Vinther J, Shawkey MD, Clarke JA, D'Alba L, Meng Q, Briggs DEG, Prum RO, 2010. Plumage Color Patterns of an Extinct Dinosaur. Science Express, 10.1126/science.1186290.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Does My Toddler Have Rosacea

APPI Holidays! APPI

Let's wishes are to make the two "
Megaraptor Merry Christmas and do not miss the beginning of 2011 the APA!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bmi Metropolitan Life

SHANGHAI: Festival "From Venice to Shanghai. The great film "- part two -.

The IIC Shanghai is pleased to announce the second part of Festival "From Venice to Shanghai. The great film. " , organized in collaboration with IIC Beijing, in the presence of directors Marco Muller and Saverio Costanzo, and actress Alba Rohrwacher.
- Sunday, December 19 next, at 18:30, at the Campus Up -Italian University 'Tongji;
- Monday ' pv December 20, 18:30 at the Auditorium of the Accademia del Teatro.
I film verranno proiettati in lingua italiana con sottotitoli in lingua cinese.

Data, Orario e Luogo:
domenica 19 dicembre 2010, ore 18.30
1F, Yifang, Tongji University, 1239, Siping Road, Tongji University, Shanghai - Shanghai Siping Road, 1239 number, Tongji University, 1st floor.

lunedi '20 dicembre 2010, ore 18.30
Auditorium, Room 209, "Red Palace", 630, Huashan Road, Shanghai - Shanghai Theater Academy, No. 630 Huashan Road, Red House, 209 amphitheater

Ingresso Libero.


Regia: Saverio Costanzo
Cast: Alba Rohrwacher, Luca Marinelli, Martina Albano
Drama, 118 '- Italy, France, Germany, 2010

Prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves. These numbers are lonely and incomprehensible to others.
Alice and Matt are both "First", both haunted by the tragedies that have marked them in childhood: a skiing accident for Alice, which has caused a defect in the leg, the loss of her twin sister for Matthew. When, as teenagers, they meet in the corridors of school, they recognize their pain in each other.
Growing up, their fates are intertwined in a special friendship, until Matt, graduated in physics, has not decided to accept a job abroad. The two are separated for many years and will be joined by a sequence of events, to bring to the surface a lot of emotions and never confessed to force Alice and Mattia to address the question of their lives: two prime numbers can never find a way to be together?
THE SOLITUDE OF PRIME NUMBERS is a moving meditation on loneliness, love and consequences of childhood.

Saverio Costanzo
Born in Rome in 1975. After graduating in Sociology of Communication, he moved to New York where he produced a documentary in installments over the Internet on daily life Coffee Milleluci public space in Brooklyn. In 2000 he wrote, filmed, directed and assemble the docu-drama "Red Room", set in the emergency resuscitation of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome, winning a special mention of the criticism of the international festival in Turin. A "Private", his first feature film (Golden Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival), says "In Memory of Me" premiered in competition at the Berlinale 2007. "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" is his third feature film.

ALBA Rohrwacher
Actress of the most interessanti del panorama cinematografico italiano, fin da piccola si dedica al teatro, frequenta i corsi dell'Accademia dei Piccoli di Firenze e poi, dopo il diploma, decide di trasferirsi a Roma per iscriversi al Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. Inizia così il suo percorso da professionista nel mondo della recitazione, prima a teatro, poi in televisione. L'esordio al cinema avviene nel 2004 con L'amore ritrovato di Carlo Mazzacurati. Il 2007 è per lei un anno molto proficuo dove l'attrice dimostra grandi capacità di adattamento, seppur prediligendo il genere drammatico a quello comico. Nel 2008 riceve il suo primo David di Donatello. Ormai consacrato volto del cinema italiano, viene scritturata come protagonista da alcuni dei più conosciuti Italian directors.

Since 2004 Director of the Cinema for the Venice Biennale and the Venice International 'Film Festival, Marco Muller was born in Rome in 1953.
After two years of specialization and a doctorate was in China, began a research and teaching in Italy until 1980, while confirming his profile of "manufacturer's festival."
After working with various European festivals (1979 to 1995 is a consultant for the Venice Film Festival for the Chinese and Asian cinema), created and directed in 1982 the first major festival in Turin, the Piedmontese capital, Electric Shadows The first and most complete historical retrospective of Chinese cinema ever staged in Europe. You then director of the International Film Festival (Festival of Pesaro) from 1982 to 1989, the Rotterdam Film Festival between 1989 and 1991, and finally to Locarno - until the 2000 edition.
Invent some important foundations of support for Asian cinema and South mondo, lo Huub Bals Fund (nei Paesi Bassi), la Fondazione Montecinemaverità (in Svizzera), la Fondazione Cinema Sud-Est (in Italia). Suscita la nascita di Fabbrica Cinema, struttura che dirige all’interno di Fabbrica, il Centro di ricerca sulla comunicazione del Gruppo Benetton, dove si occupa della formazione di nuovi cineasti e videasti e produce film che vincono un Oscar (per il miglior film straniero) e otto premi importanti alla Mostra di Venezia e ai Festival di Cannes e Berlino.
Ha scritto numerosi libri e saggi sul cinema cinese e asiatico, è Professore ordinario di Production Design alla Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università della Svizzera italiana. For his contribution to the discovery and dissemination of filmmakers and film has won numerous awards in Italy, Switzerland, France, Russia and Japan.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Deep Kapoor Astrologer

History of trips to China by Matteo Ricci

Book published by: Shanghai Museum, Beijing , 2010, pp. 235


ZHU Weizheng
Matteo Ricci in China, pp. 1-55

The native, pp. 57-97

Eleonora EMILIA
The measurement of the Sun, pp. 98-115

Zou Zhenhuan
The Globe, pp. 116-151

FAN Shuzhi
The Heavenly Dynasty, pp. 153-171

LI Tiangang
The way of evangelization, pp. 172-205

LI Tiangang
Dialogues, pp. 206-229

History, p. 231

CHEN Xiejun
Postfazione, pp. 234-235

Alcune foto:

Gerardo Mercatori, mappamondo, 1551.

Rinfrescatoio with grotesque and Judgement of Paris, the sixteenth century.

couple of astrolabes.

map of the ancient world, Matteo Ricci, 1603

Gerardo Mercatori, Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura.

Fontana da tavola con "Bacco su una botte e due puttini", XVI sec.

Hieronimo Nadali, Euangelicae historiae imagines ex ordine euangeliorum, quae toto anno in missae sacrificio, 1593.

Pino Cazzaniga, clavichord, 1981.

inkwell holder and card holder with "lions' heads crowned by angels ", XIV sec.

View of Macerata, the eighteenth century.

Friday, December 10, 2010

California King Quilts

SHANGHAI: People's Festival.

On the occasion of the approach of Christmas, as an expression of a tradition of culture, the IIC Shanghai 'pleased to announce a popular festival, organized by Board of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China - Shanghai Chamber of that si terra’ sabato’ 11 dicembre p.v., a partire dalle ore 19.00 , presso Anfu Road.
La Sagra riproduce la tipica festa di paese italiana, carica dell’odore speziato dei vini (offerti da Feidan) e degli arrosti(preparati dal Ristorante Italiano “Da Marco”).
Il termine “ sagra” ha origine latina, di derivazione dall’aggettivo sacrum (sacro). Similarmente, l’origine del termine “festa” e’ latina, viene da festum (ricorrenza sacra).
Data e Orario : 11 dicembre 2010, dalle 19.00
Luogo:  158, Anfu Road (by Wulumuqi Road), Shanghai -  安福路 158 号(近乌鲁木齐路),上海
Info: i

Carlo Scialdone

The stand crepes
from left: Maria Rosaria Marguglio, JP, Jonathan, Lorenzo Mariucci.
Vedi le FOTO / PHOTOS here

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Japanese Train Molest

SHANGHAI: Festival "From Venice to Shanghai. Great movie. "

L’IIC Shanghai è lieto di annunciare il Festival “Da Venezia a Shanghai. I grandi film.” , organizzato in collaborazione con IIC Pechino, alla presenza del regista Aureliano Amadei e del giornalista e critico cinematografico Enrico Magrelli .
program in Shanghai, 'the following:
- pv Sunday, December 12, 15:30 : screening of film "20 cigarettes" and "I Malavoglia at the Sino-Italian Campus University 'Tongji;
- Monday' pv December 13, 13:30 : Masterclass Henry Magrelli at the University Jiading Campus' Tongji.
I film verranno proiettati in lingua italiana con sottotitoli cinesi.

Data, Orario e Luogo:
domenica 12 dicembre 2010, ore 15.30
10F, Zonghe Building, Tongji University, 1239, Siping Road, Tongji University, Shanghai - Shanghai Siping Road, 1239 number, Tongji University, Comprehensive Building, 10 F
lunedi ' 13 dicembre 2010, ore 13.30
4800, Caoan Road, Jiading Campus, Tongji University, Shanghai - Cao Road, Jiading District No. 4800
Ingresso Libero.

Regia: Aureliano Amadei
Cast: Vinicio Marchioni, Carolina Crescentini, Giorgio Colangeli, Orsetta De Rossi
Drammatico, 94', Italia 2010

Novembre 2003: Aureliano, un 28enne anarchico e antimilitarista, precario nel lavoro e nei sentimenti, riceve all'improvviso l'offerta di partire subito per lavorare come aiuto regista alla preparazione di un film che si svolge in Iraq, al seguito della 'missione di pace' dei militari italiani. Nonostante le critiche degli amici, tra cui la sua 'amica del cuore' Claudia, and the concern of his family, especially his mother to live with, Aureliano part.
finds himself at the center of a world, the military does not approve and which has many prejudices, but in discovering who meets a humanity and a sense of brotherhood that also belong to him. In response to Stefano Rolla, the director who has involved with his passion for cinema and his enthusiasm for work and for life, Aureliano did not have time to finish a pack of cigarettes that can be found, as the protagonist, the center of the tragedy of the attack on the barracks in Nasiriyah on 12 November 2003. Only civilian survivor of a massacre that killed as many as 19 Italians, Aureliano, although seriously wounded, managed to save themselves.

Born in Rome in 1975 , debuts as an actor at the age of 5 years in the TV movie projects Joy of Vittorio de Sisti.
In 1995 he attended the Academy of Dramatic Art 'Webber Douglas' in London, where he graduated as an actor in 1998. Worked as an actor at the Globe Theatre.
Back in Italy, played roles in several films including The Talented Mr. Ripley by Anthony Minghella (1999), The Knights of the company by Pupi Avati (2001), Revenge of Christmas by Pupi Avati (2004) and in some plays, including starring in Dead unburied Sartre, directed by Marcello Cava.
In 2001 he made his debut as a theater director in the show Unamunda by David Ives, a finalist at the Festival of Cremona.
Making a series of documentary films and two documentaries for SAT2000 'We are History': Looking for Stella - The life of Celeste di Porto, and I did not think that life was so long - Biography of Tiberius Myrtles.
In 2005 he wrote the book with Francesco Trento Twenty cigarettes in Nasiriyah published by Einaudi.
in 2008 began to produce with his own production house - MOTOPRODUZIONI - a series of his documentaries and other composers. He has just finished writing a book about Tiberio Mitri, forthcoming. Twenty cigarettes is his first feature film as director.

Director: Pasquale Scimeca
Cast: Antonio Ciurcia, Joseph Firullo, Omar Noto
Drama, 94 ', Italy 2010

The film begins on a day of any year at the dawn of third millennium.
'Ntoni Malavoglia assiste a uno sbarco di clandestini. Sulla nave c'è Alef, che approfittando della confusione riesce a scappare. 'Ntoni l'aiuta; gli trova un lavoro nelle serre e una casa nel vicolo dove abita con la sua famiglia.
I Malavoglia sono pescatori. Possiedono una barca, la Provvidenza e una casa, che tutti chiamano "La casa del Nespolo". La famiglia è composta dal nonno Padron 'Ntoni, da Bastianazzo, dalla moglie Maruzza e dai figli 'Ntoni, Mena, Alessi e Lia. 'Ntoni ha 20 anni e gli altri sono tutti più piccoli. Sono ragazzi poveri, come ce ne sono tanti in Sicilia. che a malapena hanno finito le scuole dell'obbligo.
Una notte la Provvidenza fa naufragio e Bastianazzo muore. La famiglia inizia così a disgregarsi: Maruzza impazzisce, 'Ntoni frequenta il bar di Uzzy e insieme scrivono canzoni demenziali, Mena s'innamora di Alfio e Lia vede di nascosto Michele, che sembra un poco di buono. Padron 'Ntoni cerca di tenere in piedi la famiglia, ma la barca fa di nuovo naufragio e i debiti si mangiano anche la casa del Nespolo.
Alla fine sarà ‘Ntoni a risollevare le sorti della famiglia componendo una canzone con i proverbi del nonno. Con questa canzone vince un grosso premio e con il denaro ricavato ricompra la casa del Nespolo, fa riaggiustare la Provvidenza.

Siciliano, dopo aver frequentato il liceo si trasferisce a Firenze dove si laurea in Lettere con specializzazione in Storia Contemporanea. Insegna Storia e Letteratura fino al 1989 quando fonda la casa di produzione indipendente Arbash Film, per la quale scrive e dirige il suo primo lungometraggio in 16 mm, "La donzelletta". Nel 1992 partecipa con "Un sogno perso" al Festival di Taormina. Dirige il suo primo film in 35 mm "Il giorno di San Sebastiano" in 1993, and submit it to Venice. The film won, among other things, the Foreign Press Golden Globe for best first work. In 1996 his second feature film, "The robbers of Zabut, gets a special mention at Taormina Film Festival and won the Grand Jury Prize at the Festival of Grosseto .

The director of "20 cigarettes", Aureliano Amadei, and the staff of the Institute of Culture.
Aureliano Amadei, Paul Sabbatini and the clavichord.

The boy of the Experimental Centre of Cinematography in Rome (right) and the incorruptible Chinese official (left).