Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Shanghai SHANGHAI: French Conference on "How to organize a cultural event." Beginning of the Celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unity 'of Italy.

L 'IIC Shanghai and' pleased to announce the French Conference "How to organize a cultural event" , organized in collaboration with the Alliance Francaise Shanghai, Shanghai IIC and held by the Director, Dr. Paul Sabbatini, Friday 'on January 14 next, at 9:00 am , at the headquarters of 'Alliance Francaise.
The Conference intends to demonstrate, in the light of the IIC and Shanghai at the 'Anniversary Unita' d' Italy, the optimal methodology for organizing a cultural event, the moment of its conception until the communication media to involve the making dell'evento stesso.

Data e Orario: 14 gennaio 2011, ore 9.00
Info: 0086-54.07 .57.60, ext. 157, Ms. Wang (Wang), ext. 156, Ms. Li (Miss Li)


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