Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Poses Topless Mediafire

Upcoming events

Sunday, November 7:

paleoart on display at the Nature Museum of Palaeontology S. Daniele Po, Via Faverzani 26046, San Daniele Po, Cremona exhibition by David Bonadonna, Loana Riboli and Troco, already last APPI Day Parma Italian Palaeontological Association will be present for those who want to learn more!

Sunday November 14:

Visit to the Museum of Natural History in Milan

- Travel by coach
- Sightseeing

Meeting at 8:00 at the North Parking exchanger - Highway, S. Leonardo (Parma). Membership: Euro 15.00 Non-members: Euro 30,00 (15,00 + 15,00 enrollment visit) Who should get directly to the museum will be required to pay only the cost of the visit (Euro 3.00) and the membership if not already a member.
Children must be accompanied by adults carers association membership is not required.

Bookings subject to availability.


telefono: 347 4888630
e-mail: associazionepaleontologica@yahoo.it
blog: www.paleofans.blogspot.it
facebook: Associazione Paleontologica Parmense Italiana

L'iscrizione all'Associazione include,oltre alla possibilità di partecipare alle nostre iniziative,l'abbonamento alla rivista
,esclusiva per i nostri iscritti!


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