Sunday, January 27, 2008

High Soft Cervix 5 Days Before Period

Blog with problems (of any kind ...)

onde scoraggiare chi abbia pensato di scrivere qualcosa di serio su questo blog ho registrato come blog su cui si possano postare problemi di matematica ed in generale deviare eventuali manifestazioni di intelligenza (perché non si sa mai...).
Siete invitati a partecipare scrivendo o proporre (o propormi in privato) problemi e/o soluzioni, e ho dittatorialmente deciso che la lingua del blog sarà l'inglese, per poter in questo modo avere un pubblico più ampio. Ok, se doveste be concerned that the public might be too large, please do not use Italian, since in any case you can still use languages \u200b\u200blike Hungarian, Arabic, Sumerian or elven. Maybe not Sardinian, Neapolitan or Bergamo which would be too difficult to understand.
I noticed that blogspot does not allow to write in latex, which is annoying, but I still registered here (and not wordpress support that has it) because the authors of this blog already have an account here and I wanted to spare you the breakdown of brown to register another account, but maybe I'm too good ...
Ah, the only serious thing, I thought I kind of use as a guideline to propose a few problems at a pace human (type than a couple a week), and suggest possible problems if someone knows the solution, so that the sufferings of those who have tried should not last forever. In particular, I would avoid posting one hundred problems the first two days of the blog, then leave once they have exhausted the ideas and enthusiasm slides into eternal death. Do you have any better ideas?


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